Thursday, March 8, 2012

Midnight Moon

[image from google]

Against a midnight sky
tall dark cedars
poke black heads
through the roof
of heaven.
A full round Grandmother Moon,
plump and fat and waxing,
glides serenely across
a series of layered and striated clouds,
a-sparkle with glitter
from a meteor shower,
which left a trace
of rainbow
trailing behind.

I stand, looking up
at the beauty and mystery
of the celestial canopy.
They tell me stars
are holes in the 
floor of heaven
through which we can see
fragments of
its glow.


  1. 'tall dark cedars
    poke black heads
    through the roof
    of heaven.'

    This is just lovely, and so descriptive.

  2. Oh, I love that, stars are holes in the floor of Heaven, what a beautiful way of putting it.
    This is lovely writing Sherry!

  3. Really beautiful and filled with wonderment... like the grandmother moon metaphor, too.

  4. An exquisite write!
    Love - "A full round Grandmother Moon, plump and fat and waxing". Maybe 'cause I am a gramma ;)

  5. I love thinking about stars being holes in the floor of heaven! Oh, that it would be so... Love this, Sherry.

  6. Put your eye to one of the holes and I am pretty sure you will see the angels checking out the poetry on your blog Wow, after reading your two poems with moons, I am uber relaxed. Great writing.

  7. They tell me stars
    are holes in the
    floor of heaven
    through which we can see
    fragments of
    its glow.

    Never thought of it like this fantastic!

  8. Wonderful images, especially the holes in the floor of heaven! So well done.

  9. You are on a roll with the moon, my friend, capturing its essence in perfect words. I love it.

  10. Gorgeous, I am really loving your tributes to the moon~ so beautiful!!!

  11. Spoken like the true lover of nature you are, Sherry. I, too, see the Grandmother in the moon - its silvery face reflecting wisdom of Sofia. I actually got around to answering this prompt, too! Peace, Amy

  12. Delicious plump grandmother moon - I will be thinking of the moon in this way next time she shines :) Lovely:)

  13. I like the ending, never heard that one before, very enjoyable read.


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