Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fromage Fatigue

Here is our bad little Blakey, waiting for his breakfast.
Lori is sauteeing chicken livers in butter, to spread atop his crunchies.
Lucky dog, no?
Dish thunks down.
Blakey looks down, then up, waiting.
He is waiting till Someone grates some cheddar over it.
Lori complies.
He deigns to eat, finding the dish reasonably satisfying.

I told Lori, "I was too tired to grate the cheese last night, but he still ate it."
She said, "Too tired to grate the cheese? Fromage Fatigue?"



  1. don't cut it!

    Weekend Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. I love a happy dog in a Santa hat.. Gotta say I thought we spoiled our dog, but this dogfood recipe beats poor Jasper's hands down.

  3. Oh yes, you and Lori and Blakey make Lindy seems absolutely underprivileged.

  4. What a sweet dog you have... so nice he gets such wonderful treats.. I have never head of a dog who likes shredded cheese though! :) Big smiles for "Fromage Fatigue"!

  5. In my humble opinion, Blakey is ONE lucky pup.

  6. LOL....he looks like one happy dog...even has a big cheesy grin :)


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