Monday, April 15, 2019


Gentle as a dove's coo,
soft as bunny ears,
drops from heaven
touch the thirsty earth -
heaven's tears,
from which
seeds and buds and flowers

Brave little daffodils,
sweet snowdrops,
crocuses and tulips,
sakura and cheerful forsythia,
announce the wonders
of another spring.

for Toni's prompt at The Sunday Muse: the Japanese words for rain. I chose Shun Rin: spring rain, as it is what we are experiencing here right now, after a very long time without rain. The trees and plants are gladdened.


  1. I am so glad to hear the Shun Run has reached you at last!! My wish is for a good soaking!!! for the forest and all of its' creatures.

  2. You had me at "Gentle as a dove's coo"...this is so lovely Sherry!!

  3. Beautiful, Sherry . . . so many varieties of rain to choose and loved your take . . :)


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