Wednesday, September 24, 2014

When Women Had Wings

Space Flight wallpaper by
Tobias Roetsch of Germany

I am daughter of Renee,
who is daughter of Florence,
who is daughter of Julia
of County Cork.
I come from a line
of strong-spirited women.

Far back, in the time 
when women had wings,
my foremothers flew.
They sat in council, governing,
around the communal fire.
Their eyes flashed; their utterances
were wise, and respected.
In those times, the waters ran clear,
and the land was bountiful.

In the crooning of the wind,
I hear the names this life has given me:
Walks Far Woman,
Woman Who Talks to Trees,
In Love With the Sea Woman and
Daughter of the Sky.

Part of me has not yet
fully landed in this place.
My DNA still remembers we come from
particles of stars.
My collective memory recalls those times,
when women had wings,
and my foremothers flew,
when living with the land
is what we knew.

for Susan's Mid-Week Motif prompt: Heritage Day


  1. this is Huge how you celebrate warrior women of this Earth..."foremothers" is such a magical word here...

  2. I think this has got to be one of my favorites. Just beautiful, Sherry.

  3. you highlight the spirit that has kindled love through the history of 'man'. so long quieted by the power of those who choose to wield a sword in lieu of a peaceful open hand; this is the woman, the mother, the daughter, the balance that bonds the human race. i yield to you, i offer you my affirmation that is not sought yet is deserved. i, one sibling of nine, of a single parent, a mother, knows so well the strength and the soaring ability when she opens her wings to soar.

    beautiful piece, mi amiga

  4. Wonderful to name the ones who fly with you and can see this land because this is where you are. A fine gathering.

  5. Spectacular, Sherry. I especially love
    "My collective memory recalls those times,
    when women had wings,
    and my foremothers flew,
    when living with the land
    is what we knew."
    Yes, Susan is right..."wonderful"!
    Luv, K

  6. beautiful starry sparkling heritage-flying up high- I can say for I am named a Star' Sherry amazing recollections...

  7. that your very DNA remembers a time before and hopefully as the ages progress that is not lost...we need those connections to the time before...smiles.

  8. I am so pleased when I read poetry like this that is so overwhelmingly beautiful. It was a joy to be swept away by your words.

  9. Love all these mighty names of yours and flying women ...Whooosh!! :)xx

  10. Lovely tribute to your female relatives.

  11. I think you are flying Sherry...and teaching other women to do the same as you do ;)

  12. So Stardust Woman should also be on you list of names yes? I love the feeling of age in the poem it feels like it takes me way back.

  13. this is so lovely...a beautiful homage to our women all those bore before us. this made me reflect my own heritage with fondness!

    stacy lynn mar

  14. Oh, this is amazing!! It seems the political climate in this country is nor friendly to warrior women...that is why we must join to let the world feel our strength.

  15. I love the strong women in the family and that their heritage flows strongly with you still ~ Love this Sherry ~

  16. Oh how i love this. What a mystical read. Thanks Sherry for your wonderful imagination and for calling upon the wise women.

  17. What a great heritage and how nicely it has been presented.

  18. They're in your DNA along with stardust- a formidable heritage beautifully presented.


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