Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Good Girl

Our life, at Dogs R Us, is all about the critters. 
This is Noella, in her younger years, 
when I so often walked her and Pup at Stamp Falls. 
Pup didnt get along with other dogs very well. 
But he and Noey enjoyed their walks together, in the years 
when neither he nor she had other siblings.

She was named Noella because she was a Christmas puppy.
My sister Lori adopted her when she lived up north.
They were both happy to come home to the Island in 2000
when Noey was a seven month old puppy. 

Noey was always a good girl. She enjoyed her life on the farm,
had no health issues, and came into her own as the elder sibling 
when first Lukey, and then Blakey, joined the family.

This frequently resulted in a dog-jam,
when we were throwing kongs at the park

Noey slowed down somewhat in recent years,
yet remained spry and limber, and enjoyed her daily walks 
until the very last walk of the very last day when, 
for the first time, ever, she was unable to go.

We think she suffered a stroke, as her left front gave out on her.
She lay still through the long night, as her breathing slowed.
Yesterday the vet eased her passing,
after fourteen good years of living.

It was as peaceful a passing as one could wish for for a beloved dog.
Today is the third year since Pup's death,
and I had not expected to be dealing with two deaths this week.
But this is the way of life, especially when one loves dogs.
There are too many painful goodbyes.
Yet we would not be without them.

When I had a moment alone with her, I whispered to her
to say hi to Pup for me, when she gets to Heaven.
It's good to know she'll have someone she knows up there.

Noey, you were a good girl,
and we will miss you.


  1. It is always hard to say farewell to a dog, and she seems to have been a great one. I am sorry her death reminded you so acutely of your own loss, Sherry.

  2. Ah, Sherry! Your sadnesss seems tempered by the good life and eased death provided this good dog. Still I sigh and hold you in the Light. Two deaths this week? I didn't know, Sherry. Heartfelt condolences.

  3. I am sorry, Sherry. I know how much of a dog person you are, and I know how hard it was for you to witness Noey's passing. Thoughts are with you!

  4. I'm so sorry. I know how difficult it is.

  5. I shed my tears, I share them with you.. Huggsss)))))))

    keep me in the loop of how YOU are doing, mi amiga!!!!

  6. I write this with tears. What a beautiful tribute. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.


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