Saturday, September 15, 2018


[I used my zoom. Wow!]

Fat and round and placid
as bellies after harvest,
a smile that harbors secrets
you will never tell,
purveyor of myth,
portal of mystery,
you sail across my evening sky
serene as a ghost ship
easing into port.

Buddha Smile Moon.

One from 2013. I picked one that is easy to read, and positive, as there is so much discouraging news going on. Hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend, and are safe from storms. Sharing this with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United. 


  1. I love how beautifully you have described the moon. Poetic and lovely!

  2. Oh the moon always gives a wonderful it sails across the moon each evening! Lovely poem, Sherry.

  3. "Buddha smile"
    "ghost ship"
    And the fact of "my evening sky" is not lost on me. Thank you for such a positive image of aging. So much goes on in our silences, and the moon is partner/facilitator.

  4. What a gorgeous image – in both words and photography.

  5. your harvest moon is full of joy
    - love the fat belly allusion and will look for it on the 24th and think of you (as I shall be away where the night sky is not so polluted as in London)

  6. You've used wonderful and familiar similes in this poem, which makes it feel like an old friend - I'm going to read it to my wooden Buddha - he's smiling already!

  7. I love how this poem glows, how it can't be read without smile back... at that Buddha smile moon. :-)

  8. How we love to fantasize what we don't understand. Poor dead moon features high in our imagination as it stares at us each night while we are strangely comforted by her.

  9. Deliciously done Sherry... "placid
    as bellies after harvest," is a wonderful line...

  10. That is a lovely short ode to the moon. I loved the phrase: "purveyor of myth". All the images are well done -- ghost ship, et al.

  11. I adore that phrase, Buddha smile moon. It just speaks to me of mirth and peace. Love it.

  12. This was a delight to read and a wonderful choice for today Sherry. I do adore the lure of the moon.

  13. "You sail across my evening sky serene as a ghost ship".. that is such a breathtaking image💞

  14. This is so calming; it feels like the inevitable relaxation into well-earned rest. :)

  15. Buddha smile moon ...Delightful.

  16. "Serene as a ghost ship easing into port" conjures such a beautiful scene, and a feeling of peace.

  17. Love the thought of have a moon like that as company

  18. I love this. There is so much to make me smile at in this poem. I love the thoughts of the moon smiling. Happy!

  19. simple. lovely. and a moment to just stop and savour words that carry enough to feed the soul :)

  20. Lovely thought on that serene moon
    Happy you dropped by my Sumi-e Sunday today Sherry

    much love...

  21. What can I say... after I smiled.
    That was a delightful reading; well written and universal- bothe the theme and the style. You Go Girl! Morre, more, more! : )

  22. This moon is warm as a Buddha smile. Thanks.

  23. 'you sail across my evening sky
    serene as a ghost ship
    easing into port.'

    Wow! Beautifully nuanced … as exquisite, celestial and impactful as a once-in-a-lifetime shooting star. What an indelible line. It takes my breath away. THIS IS POETRY!.

  24. "Buddha Smile Moon"
    i am beginning to feel serene already. :)


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