Wednesday, October 2, 2024



On the tv screen, sirens are wailing.
Tall glass buildings are lit up
against the darkness
 like crystal palaces.
They are dazzling,
waiting for the bombs to fall. 

I remember a night sky,
even more radiant,
many years ago,
on an island where the only light
was from the bonfire. The stars
were arrayed across the heavens
in the millions. I had never
seen so many.

How many centuries will it take
for us to choose bliss
instead of bombs?

When all is rubble,
will there be anyone left
to look up at the stars?

for Shay's Word List: The Silent Patient As war escalates, this old heart is tired. When will humans learn bombing places into rubble will never bring peace?


  1. Oh, how I wish humans would choose bliss rather than bombs. Being below a radiant sky sitting around a bonfire sounds wonderful. I can JUST picture it.

  2. It isn't Humans, writ large, who do these things. It is mostly men, powerful men, who didn't get that way by being moral or kind, and they exercise their hunger for power and money by causing this kind of stuff. Or, they push their targets so far that they retaliate in kind. It never ends.

    1. You are so right. Each war births another generation bent on retaliation.

  3. How beautifully you have described such a tragic landscape in the world right now - as ever bringing the wider picture into a personal sphere and leaving us with a wonderful question

  4. A question for the ages. I love that second stanza which made my heart soar.

  5. I don't think that war will ever truly end. it is a means of power. Unfortunately, the innocent are collateral damage in military eyes. I think we may need to hold on to those memories of star filled nights as there is hope in the light.

  6. Sherry, can we survive the rubble of men to one day see the stars again in their glory? I hope so. Love this poem

  7. Each war begets a new one. I am hoping to see the stars again.

  8. A powerful and beautifully written poem Sherry with some powerful questions that haunt the heart! Greed is an ugly ugly thing isn't it? <3

  9. So good Sherry

  10. So good Sherry


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