Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dear Friend


Dear Friend,
Through all the years of our young motherhood
we exchanged fat letters, full of our busy days.
I typed mine on the old Underwood Grandpa gave me.
You wrote yours by hand, in your lovely script.

As our children grew up, our letters became sadder.
Our children were struggling, suffering, ill,
making their painful way into adulthood.
I remember when your letter came
that said your son, like mine,
had been struck down.
How our hearts ached for those two boys
who were in their prams when first we met,
who played together as small boys.
They shared a similar brilliance
as they grew, 
and a similar fragility.
We commiserated then,
two mothers of sons in pain.

Now we are old. We each have made
our peace with the past, each found
the place in the world
where we are most at home.

Letters became emails,
then facebook messages,
that dwindled off into "likes".
We are both just so tired.

I miss receiving those fat envelopes
stuffed with news, with titles of the books
we were reading, the music we were
listening to.

It is a Land of Nostalgia, looking back:
your house, full of plants and dogs and kids,
Neil Diamond blaring on the stereo.
My house full of laughing children,
my big garden.
Those busy, happy years that filled our pages.

Not much to write, now that we sit, dazed
and exhausted, on our couches, staring at
a world gone mad on our tv screens,
things we never thought we'd see.
When hope is hanging by a thread,
how would we ever find the words?

But I think of you, often,
remembering those years
when we were young
and our children's songs
were still waiting
to be sung.

for Mary's prompt at What's Going On - Letters

1 comment:

  1. "It is a Land of Nostalgia, looking back:
    your house, full of plants and dogs and kids,
    Neil Diamond blaring on the stereo.
    My house full of laughing children,
    my big garden.
    Those busy, happy years that filled our pages"

    Oh yes, that is what I remember about letter writing too. They were often very long and filled with news. If we are lucky, we still have some of those letters. Somehow emails aren't quite the same. Sigh. And Facebook, even less so!


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