Monday, October 21, 2024

Butterfly Wings on a Pyre of Fading Hopes

Caitlin Welz-Stein

A butterfly wing can change the world
they say, each vote another flutter,
choosing which ideology is uttered,
and which flag is unfurled.

My hope rises, fragile as a kite,
and as buffeted by chance,
as humankind goes through
it's changeable and fitful dance.

Her heart is otherwhere, as she is voted out.
How odd, in an atmospheric river,
to see folk vote for climate change deniers,
an idiocy of dunces, conspiracy theorists
and louts.

I toss a handful of chrysanthemums
on fading hope with teary eyes, 
a funeral for a kinder world run by
folks who are wise.

Once, once only, and never again
will we have this moment in time,
to torch the rhetoric of the past
towards a higher paradigm.

The italicized line is from A.E. Stalling's poem Another Lullaby for Insomniacs.

Here in British Columbia, our provincial election is so evenly tied, they still dont know who won: the New Democratic Party or the rapidly rising far-right "Conservatives" who sound like Republicans and are gaining ground as quickly and inexplicably. We had an atmospheric river, flooding many areas, on voting day and our wonderful Green party candidate lost her seat in Legislature. She said "It is strange that people came out during an atmospheric river to vote for climate change deniers. But that's where we are." I think we in North America  are going to be experiencing the results of these improbable choices in the years ahead. And it won't be pretty.


  1. I just saw the latest polls here in the states fror the 7 battleground states and they're all within the margin of error. Harris ahead in 4, Dump in 2 with one tied. I absolutely cannot fathom how it is so close. One candidate is a serial liar, a sexual assaulter, a racist fascist narcissist who can't speak a complete sentence and spends half his time peddling crappy sneakers, coins and bibles, and one who is experienced, capable, rational and cares about people. HOW CAN IT BE CLOSE??? I can not understand it. Are that many people that stupid, or gullible, or hateful, or poisoned by right wing media? It makes no sense at all.

  2. Or, possibly, some bad actor has gotten into the system to rig it in his favour. It makes no sense to me and is driving me slowly mad. Against all odds, I pray Kamala wins as I cant imagine living my last years watching everything go to hell. My brother in law thinks the plan is the party will let him get elected, then set him aside and Vance and MAGA will take over with Project 25. Entirely possible. Amazing that toxicity spreads more rapidly than rationality and kindness.

  3. Well, I do hope the butterfly wing theory works with the votes...watching from this distance, I think most peopel just want war to end now and climate to be addressed so the world is safer for everyone in it and for future generations to live free...

  4. I love how your imagery conveys the fragility of the situation - I hope there will be more butterflies. More hope.


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