Saturday, January 25, 2020

Wild Woman Herstory

Living in the desert,
I opened a little door 
in my mind
behind which lived the sea.

Living without love,
I knocked on that little door.
It opened and, inside,
Wild Woman taught me 
how to love
the whole world.

Living without joy,
a Big Door came along.
Wild Woman told me:
Walk through, or learn 
to live without a dream.

I couldn't live without a dream,
so I made a mighty leap
and the rest is 
Wild Woman herstory.

for Carrie at The Sunday Muse


  1. How great that you found that door... it sounds so much healthier to walk that way.

  2. That leap of always leads to good things :)

  3. You have an amazing strength Sherry, that took you through that door, and guides you through your beautiful journey now. That is part of what makes you such an amazing poet!

  4. Such power in a leap of faith! Well said.

  5. Lovely! I can see that opening in a dried out and forlorn mind! So many things we "should" do that we forget to take care of self. I'm happy to have witnessed the real life transformation.

  6. A leap of faith, one should live their dream.

  7. When the door opens all is beauty. Knocking is important. So glad you did that, Sherry.

  8. And what a wonderful story you paint

  9. Amazing poem! I can feel the effort of each decision and the strength as well.

  10. Groovy gravy. One of those turning points after which nothing is the same.

  11. So thankful Wild Woman found her freedom

  12. A little door in your mind. That’s perfect. Can’t live without your dreams. That’s a given.


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