Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Wild Woman has the opposite of vitality.
Her life force has been ground down
to powder
by the whirlygigs and bumper-car 
collisions of others.

Even a tree gets tired,
sometimes, of holding up its branches,
eternally entreating the heavens,
tired of supporting the weight
of those who shelter in its branches.

She walks into the forest 
to commune with her sisters.
Deep peace.
She breathes. She listens. She absorbs.
Along with the raindrops,
balm sluices through her being.
Distress lifts off and flutters away.
When she emerges, 
there will still be problems,
clamorous voices, and disharmony.
But there will also be
replenishment, steadfastness, 
renewed strength.

She returns home
and lifts up her branches
once more.
Even a tree gets tired sometimes,
of bearing arms.
But its trunk holds fast
to the end.

for Susan's timely topic at Midweek Motif: Energy/Vitality.  I had little yesterday, when I penned this. But a day spent in my fleecy pj's, putting up my tiny tree, greatly improved the situation. Smiles.


  1. Gorgeous! both in image and words :D love this poem :D :D

    Lots of love,

  2. as i read your poem in between verses i breathe resonating the lure to energize to replenish to keep on going; reading more and writing more for as poets we continue our pledge

    much love...

  3. so beautifully captivated how Nature replenishes our soul, revitalizes our being to face the world with renewed energy..."She walks into the forest
    to commune with her sisters. / Deep peace." love this...

  4. To say that I love this won't be enough to express my delight, to say how much I agree with each word... Nothing has ever energize me more than a walk in the woods, the sight of trees that battle each day against man conquering madness and greed... Trees that hurt and look a bit limp at times, but still stand... and grow. ♥

  5. A walk into the depth can happen in the forest and in bed clothes, it seems. I love "balm sluices." The maintenance of the trunk is so essential to what we can do with our extremities. Thius is the tonic itself, full of energy.

  6. One of the most inspiring poems I have ever read :) Even the strongest person needs a break sometime.

  7. Oh, Sherry, you sound so down-hearted in this poem. Yes indeed, even a tree gets tired. A tree has to take a rest sometime & stop holding up the world & just take time to absorb the good!

  8. Yes, even trees get tired but, with strong roots and trunk they continue to thrive. It is good to commune with her sisters as this will breathe vitality into her lungs.

  9. Lovely to read this after reading totomai's beautiful but sad post. Yes, good to use a beautiful forest for renewal!

  10. You produce a beautiful poem like this when your life force has been ground down!? It is amazing how active and creative our minds can be despite our protests. Outstanding.

  11. Even a tree gets tired, but it will go on to provide the strength and wisdom sought by the many. good write Sherry,

  12. Oh Sherry, and now I come to your poem after posting mine. Serendipity, great minds and all that. No matter how strong and deeply rooted we are, we all get tired. So I send you hugs.

  13. I know that feeling. Hugs to you, my friend,


  14. Absolutely poetic Sherry. Sometimes we feel that that burden's too heavy. We needed a moment to renew our strength. We return more powerful than before,

  15. I love your analogy Sherry - maybe that is why trees drop their branches sometimes but the root remains vital

  16. You always have a lot to enchant us Sherry although i can certainly relate to the feeling of running on empty...I love how you have used tree to convey...i had a strong visual of leaves following the seasons and dropping off when they must..but the trunk..the core staying strong - just like you xo

  17. I am pleased you have a little Christmas tree and it cheered you no end.

  18. Lovely message in this, Sherry. Tree is life; life is vitality.

  19. I know what you mean Sherry. The world is heavily in our arms. The tree is a good example of perseverence. I like the metaphor of the trunk. Great thoughts and expression here.

  20. We do need replenishment every now and then Sherry ~ I like that the tree was able to give you back your energy ~


  21. We never stop to think about trees and how much weight they hold up and shelter they provide their entire lives. I love this, Sherry, and hope that your energy has been restored by now.

  22. It pains me to see old growth trees murdered to make way for development. Our land and environment court wears a blindfold. I don't know how these people sleep at night. I hope they don't.

  23. Our cores need refueling. May be down but not out! Beautiful motivation!

  24. Ah! Nature, the supreme giver! Loved this.

  25. A great analogy, Sherry. And my grandfather always used to say: "And the trees die standing upright..."


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