Friday, November 17, 2017


When all of life is threatened,
and barbarians are strutting through
the halls of power,
when our future survival
hangs by a thread,
it is said that is when
the Shambhala warriors 
will arrive.

They are bodhisattvas,
beings of peace.
You may not recognize them -
(or you might: 
check out Joe Kennedy III
and Barak Obama) -
as they will look like everyone else.
(Look for eyes that shine
with spirit and compassion).
The Shambhala Warriors 
will walk the corridors of power
armed with two weapons
  - compassion and insight.
With courage and integrity,
they will dismantle 
the ways of death,
and lead us on a new path,
for the time has come
for a great Turning.

When you feel this earth grief 
we carry
is too much to bear, 
take heart.
It is because you care
that you are alive 
at just this moment,
to assist the transformation
from the patriarchal 
to the divine feminine.
Women are rising up everywhere.
They are planting trees and gardens,
cleaning streams and beaches,
standing guard to protect 
the sacred waters.
They are protecting life,
gathering together
to oppose the ways of war.

Women are wise in the ways
of growing things: 
food, animals, children.
They reject the ways of death.
Women understand that all things 
are connected.
Everything depends on everything else.
We are each a strand in
the web of life.

Mother Earth is speaking to us, now,
with all of her voices. 
Let us hear her,
add our voices to hers, 
and heal this world
back together again.

I wrote this in a more hopeful moment, to share with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United on Sunday.


  1. Interesting perspective, Sherry. We do need to pay attention to what Mother Earth is saying....and also know that there ARE good people out there. May those with courage and integrity be heard!

  2. It's so heartening to read your words, always Sherry. It renews my faith in the humankind. May all with compassion and insight rise everywhere.

  3. They are seldom recognized because they are just normal people that hear the voice and listen, and realize that we must do something. Doing nothing is not an option to them - if they male or female. Sometimes they are not understood - seen as too radical. Pushed to the side as crazy.

  4. Got your email, catch up with you in a bit.

  5. We definitely need supernatural help, dear poet, even if the only place to find it is in our faith and relationships with the earth. May compassion and insight be joined by foresight and courage.

  6. Anyone working on ending war is a hero, anywhere in the world!

  7. I think that we need hope... there are so much darkness in the world, and so much hate and anger... hate and anger can only break it cannot build.

  8. A powerful message - we women have many strings to our bow

  9. This is so beautifully deep and poignant Sherry! Especially love; "Women understand that all things are connected.Everything depends on everything else. We are each a strand in the web of life."

  10. add our voices to hers,
    and heal this world
    back together again

    Good strategy to give more voice, Sherry! A pity the political will is lacking. Nothing seems to change!


  11. Perhaps I should have born a woman as I feelso much this way too. We seem to learn nothing from war, or poverty, or climatic changes, or the elimination of native species wither animals, marine life or vegetation. Somehow we have to get the message through.

  12. Oh that Shambhala warriors could walk the corridors of power...
    Mother Earth is certainly speaking, yet we only half-hear...for we think there is always another tomorrow...
    Anna :o[

  13. A powerful message, interesting that neither Obama nor Kennedy were women though!

  14. I've spent the last two weeks immersed in a powerful rhythmical experience with my own tribe of peaceful warriors, male and female, and it reminded mer very clearly that it, the walk of peace, in my case through rhythm, is where I must focus all of my energies.There is nothing I can do about other's behaviour but everything I can do about mine.My sense of despair is real but so is my sense of purpose. Loved this poem Shelly. Here's to the Divine Feminine rising.

  15. I do see Shambhala warriors as both men and women, somehow i got onto the tree planting women halfway down the poem. It likely needs another look-see. Lol.

  16. I needed the hope that this poem conveys. May the Shambhala warriors come...soon!

  17. There are many warriors out there doing their work behind the veil of what we see..your poem is a poem of hope for new generations.

    Everything depends on everything else.
    We are each a strand in
    the web of life.

    a very wise statement as we are all connective in someway...

  18. Yes, we must become those peaceful warriors, everything is connected.


  19. A beautiful write...hopeful...with great understanding. (Well everything will be OK, when the GOP get their tax cuts through.) I think this is what makes people say, they hate politics. We remain in a very dark place...hard to have hope, so much damage is being done...we need the peaceful warriors!!

  20. Good morning Sherry,
    Your poem on this sunday morning is a kernel of hope. Thank you.


  21. There is a reason she is called Mother Earth....she is wise as we women are and it is down to us to make this transformation within and outside of ourselves.....

    'armed with two weapons
    - compassion and insight.
    With courage and integrity,
    they will dismantle
    the ways of death,
    and lead us on a new path,
    for the time has come
    for a great Turning.'

    These are such true words, and I wonder who the women who will lead us are....they are still coming of age and transforming but I hope they hurry.

  22. The concept of Shambhala warriors is such a hopeful message. Thank you!

  23. Shambala warriors indeed. Yes we need them and love them. All is not lost

    Happy Sunday


  24. Beautiful! And yes "They" are all around us in supporting Spirit.

  25. "We are each a strand in the web of life"

    that is such a endearing phrase for women as I believe the same for my mom. She's such an important, essential part of me and my siblings' lives. Happy Thanksgiving Sherry!

  26. Everything helps.It may seem unimportant but every random act of kindness, every signature to a petition, a phone call a all counts .Change can only come by everyone doing something,no matter how little.
    Inspiring poem, Sherry !

  27. Yes, I have seen the bodhisattvas - and would love to believe that their numbers are growing. I pray: Let it be so. An edifying and uplifting poem, Sherry, that gives pause. And, God knows, all of humankind should pause and consider: where we are are where we are going. If not now ... when.

  28. And I concur, another fine write, Sherry


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