Friday, October 4, 2019

Catbird Under a Fallen Moon

Commissioned Piece (Untitled)
Used with Permission

under a fallen moon -
the lights are on
in the castle
but nobody's home.

The throne
sits empty.

No birds sing
in the bare brown branches
of winter.

The court jester
is issuing weird proclamations
that alarm
the populace.

The commoners
have all run away.

No cream
for kitty
when the sky
has fallen.

55 for Kerry's Art Flash at Toads, inspired by the art of McMonster. It might be construed as political commentary. LOL.


  1. Best kind of political commentary, smart and sophisticated.

  2. Lights are on but nobody's home. I love it!

  3. I had another look and I could see your catbird, but my owl called out to me again! I love that you’ve focused on the empty castle with its empty throne. I enjoyed the court jester dig – I can’t believe some of the things I’ve been reading!

  4. LOL, even before I saw your note I wondered if it was political commentary! I hope we Americans can get rid of our Irate Pumpkin before long.

  5. This is absolutely brilliant, Sherry!! Love the political reference.

  6. Meanwhile the rest of the world is thinking just what happened to one of the most powerful nations on Earth and is now just a laughing stock yet frightenly dangerous.

  7. it could always catch and eat itself, I guess. Or sit in the catbird seat.

  8. Poor Kitty. And the catbird? My bird was a catbird at first too, but I needed a one syllable word so I changed back too an owl.

  9. This is wonderful, Sherry. I love it as a fantasy, and as a metaphor for current affairs!

  10. Ooh I love the magic and scene..and the fact that we both saw a cat!

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  12. Your words are beautiful Sherry. I love the focus on the empty castle and throne.

  13. "lights are on and nobody home" This seems to be our way of life lately.

  14. I find it weird when the jester sits on the throne... when it's all about ratings, and not what's real

  15. I was always a fan of the court jester but what does he do when there is no king on the throne? He makes proclamations of his own that may be more truth than humour! And that is frightening indeed!

  16. Engaging piece Sherry, and I really like this closing stanza:
    “No cream
    for kitty
    when the sky
    has fallen.”


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