Sunday, June 2, 2019


He poked his head up over the stall
every morning,
big, perky ears,
eyes bright, full of love,
ready for another day
of playing with his ball
in the big field.

He was a late in life baby,
born too small.
But he had such life in him
that he grew.
Hand-fed by his human mother
when his birth mother
refused him her teat,
he became half-human, half-foal,
and my sister became all Mother.

He was only fifteen months old
when he was stricken with colic.
He tried so hard to stay.
The last day he collapsed inside the door
of the animal hospital.
His  bowel had ruptured.
Poor baby.
He had suffered so much.

Some losses we never get over.
My sister can barely say his name.
He was the sweetest foal,
an unexpected gift,
arriving like a comet,
and blazing across our sky -
 a star burning out
that was just too bright
to stay.

For Baby Leo, R.I.P.

This baby was buried, with the ball he loved so much, on my sister’s farm. He was the most adorable little being. He fought hard to live the first time, and even harder the second. But the fight lasted too long.


  1. Baby Leo was blessed to have your sister as his Mom. This is sad but so sweet! RIP baby Leo 💙

  2. RIP to Leo and many hugs to those who had to say goodbye

  3. Oh, my heart. Love and light to all.

  4. Tears are welling up with this one, Sherry.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hello from Alberta, Canada. Never had horses but many cattle on my land. Witnessed birth and death many a time. For some life goes on and for other ones life does not go on. Love, cat.

    1. Naming is never a good thing as makes it harder to say goodbye. c.

  7. It's a sad tale about Leo.He looks very frail. Your sister's farm looks so lush and green.

  8. A touching poem. We are all put here for a purpose and we do not determine the length of time. Thoughts of happy memories for the time allotted with Leo will help with healing.

  9. oh that was heart breaking and to have been so close especially to your sister so sad


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