Tuesday, February 26, 2019

To Speak With Clouds

Mother Sky,
teach me to speak
the language of clouds.
My feet on earth,
my eyes in the sky,
my heart swooping and soaring
with Raven,
I am adrift
in the beauty
of your forever blue.

I have walked through this life,
head tipped back
and smiling at the sky,
enraptured by your puffy 
storybook clouds,
your ever-changing colours,
your huge canvas,
which inspires 
all our dreaming.

Teach me to speak
as gently as clouds,
so my footprint on earth
will grow ever lighter,
like Wolf, like Deer,
like Heron.

After I learn
the soft speech of Cloud,
may I next learn
how to
speak Tree.

for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif at Poets United: Cloud


  1. Sherry this is stunning Absolute love every line of it and I agree the sky is as beautiful and gentle as you describe it

  2. I pray that I too may learn: Teach me to speak
    as gently as clouds

    This is beautifully written Sherry.

  3. Did I not read this a day or two ago? I wish i can remember what I wrote beyond WOW! Such a perfect prayer, you are inside the wisdom curve of being. I'll meet you at the tree.

  4. Yes, I posted it early, yesterday.........on facebook may be where you saw it.

  5. Superb poem! Wow. I already speak tree but am slowly learning to speak cloud. I love this poem. a perfect prayer.

  6. Yes indeed, and after tree, Ocean.
    Luv the humility in your poem Sherry and im all 😊


  7. I love the idea of speaking with clouds. This is wonderful Sherry!

  8. This is wonderful Sherry, I would like to converse with the clouds speak in another tongue.

  9. What a gift we have on this planet with a sky filled with clouds to provide with life giving rain. It is a pity so many people want to go and colonise dead planets. Mind you I could name quite a few people that deserve a one way ticket to Mars!.

  10. your huge canvas,
    which inspires
    all our dreaming.... so true..and I wish I could say that in cloud-speak!

  11. "storybook clouds"...Aah...so many of them. May we all read them one after another and learn. I am there with you to speak tree. Surely.

  12. This is a delicious balm of words and imagery and feelings... that wraps itself around the soul, taps into Nature's energies, and invites us to be one with all that lives. I want to speak cloud, and tree, and river... as you do.

  13. The storybook of clouds...a gift to be grateful for and learn from. Beautiful piece, Sherry!

  14. I love this. I think though, that you're already multilingual in nature languages. I would be surprised if you couldn't speak tree.


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