Thursday, August 8, 2024

Distraught Sister Moon

Distraught Sister Moon,
I see you up there, pacing around,
wringing your hands,
"what to do,
what to do,
what to do?"

Down below, all hell is breaking loose:
bombings, shootings, drought,
famines, floods, melting icebergs,
wildlife fleeing in terror,
no where to hide,
dangerous people with bad hair
behaving badly.

I see you trying to efface your fullness
quickly, perhaps thinking
if you lessen your roundness
the populace can return to calm
under a slice of moon.

But when were we last calm?

By your light, madmen and prophets collide.
By your light, poets seek truth and beauty.
By your light, we dream of a better world.

You have stopped pacing.
You like where this is going.
Okay, hear this:

By the Light of Your Silvery Moon,
on earth
(perhaps in vain)
we dream,
we dream,
we dream
of peace.


  1. Yes, we dream, we dream, we dream of peace. So, hoping it manifests in our realities.

    The moon watches from above, I think sometimes during the full moon humans seem crazier than their normal crazy.

    "But when were we last calm?

    By your light, madmen and prophets collide.
    By your light, poets seek truth and beauty.
    By your light, we dream of a better world."

    Thanks for linking your dream poetry. It is a powerful message. We poets need to continue to seek truth and beauty.

  2. I absolutely love this, Sherry! 💝💝Especially these lines:

    "I see you trying to efface your fullness
    quickly, perhaps thinking
    if you lessen your roundness
    the populace can return to calm
    under a slice of moon."

  3. To sleep, perchance to dream and then dream of peace, requires a lullaby like this, protecting the child in a safe place and made lush in Gaia's love. What else can a mother give?

  4. This is so beautifully written Sherry. True dessa got my favorite part too. We dream of peace. Thanks for linking up. Hope all is well.


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