Tuesday, August 20, 2024



When it's full dark, no stars,
a small girl needs a Care Bear
for company.

One moves gingerly
in the dark,
for there be scary things
under the bed
waiting to grab
succulent, just-right
small feet.

Outside the window,
in the stately oak,
a fretful crow
mumbles a mournful

What is possible
for a pretty child
in the wounded dark?

Some questions
we don't want

But luckily this child,
though her blankets and curtains
are faded,
has a grandmother whose face
is as loving and kind
as the moon's,
and she drifts off to sleep
safe and happy.

The words for Shay's Word List took a dark turning. Sigh. My poor head. So I added a stanza so we could bear to read it.


  1. You old softie, Sherry, adding the grannie at the end! :-)

  2. Comforting to feel secure and sleep...and dream!

  3. I am glad there is a kindly grandmother to take away the nighttime horrors - that is what we all need - Jae

  4. This is as sweet as you truly are Sherry! I love the idea of a grandmother's face being as loving and kind as the moon's. Such a wonderful ending to lines that I think we all can relate to when we were young. As children our imaginations can surely run wild!

  5. Great writing - there is nothing like the security of Grandmother - Love it.

  6. Oh, this poem made me think of my Carrie. She loved Care Bears as a child, and still does. Even now they bring her comfort. So many people call her Care Bear.

  7. We could all use that comfort!

  8. Having a caring grandmother is really a blessing! Love the ending.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Cut-off the last two bits and end with, 'What is possible for a pretty child in the dark?'


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