Saturday, October 24, 2015

We Come from Starlight

Sister Tree, breathe me your peace.
When you breathe out, I breathe in.
We are connected.
The genetic code, in trees and humans,
is the same.
In Woman, 
the design of membranes in the placenta, 
nurturer of human life,
is the same as the Tree of Life. 

This fills me with awe.

How can we be so busy, so distracted, 
so disconnected,
so claimed by the worldly,
that we forget
we come from starlight? 
How is it we busy ourselves with technology
and forget it is our bare feet on the ground,
our eyes raised to the sky,
the image of sunset imprinted on our soul
that gives life meaning?

I turn off the tv, the computer, the phone.
I turn on birdsong, daybreak, Cloud Art
and stardreaming.

I place my hand upon your trunk.
My Sister.
In this moment,
it is only you and I,

One from 2014, re-posted for Poets United's Poetry Pantry. Do join us, and enjoy some fine poetry on Sunday morning.


  1. A great piece, thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful! I didn't know about the placenta and it fills me with wonder. I hugged trees last Saturday--sycamore, oak, maple and yew, all in a little cemetery and I felt energized and in communion. I think this poem describes that moment too. I wish I had written it. Sharing.

  3. Ah, we could all benefit by getting in touch, really getting in touch, with trees!

  4. Beautiful Sherry, if only we could get clean off the grid often enough to keep the connection with the earth alive.

  5. The whole point is that all life is related and we should respect, care for and nurture it as we are part of it too. I love how you open our eyes to the reality of our world Sherry.

  6. Such a lovely poem :D loved these lines:

    In this moment,
    it is only you and I,

    Beautifully executed!
    Lots of love,

  7. This is so beautiful. Thanks for your gift.

  8. I love that we all come form starlight - we just have to reconnect with its shine I easily we can forget..stop to breathe and listen..sadly..although when we do maybe those moments are extra special...xo

  9. I think if everybody just went out today and touched a tree, felt it, I think we might see a change for the positive. Maybe it's all that's needed.

  10. Good-ness, I love this! Especially these sections:

    "In Woman,
    the design of membranes in the placenta,
    nurturer of human life,
    is the same as the Tree of Life."

    "How can we ... forget
    we come from starlight?"

    the last 3 lines

  11. timely message.
    we have become so dependent on technology that we may have forgotten about the trees, forgotten that they contribute to the very air that we breathe.

  12. what a sweet prayer,
    sisterhood is good.

  13. We do indeed come from starlight and we are children of the stars and the earth. Thanks for the reminder.

  14. Very beautiful poem. I like your pointed critique at how much we just can't see, or chose not to see.

  15. the ending took my breath away:

    "I turn off the tv, the computer, the phone.
    I turn on birdsong, daybreak, Cloud Art
    and stardreaming.

    I place my hand upon your trunk.
    My Sister.
    In this moment,
    it is only you and I,

  16. I turn off the tv, the computer, the phone.
    I turn on birdsong, daybreak, Cloud Art
    and stardreaming.

    Such a strong message, Sherry. It is always a pleasure to read your archived works.

  17. Beautiful picture and piece. Not to mention the lovely miniature lady underneath.

  18. Ohhhhhh, yes. YES.
    This, today, please:
    "I turn on birdsong, daybreak, Cloud Art
    and stardreaming."

  19. Breathing with you and tree, Sherry....Tried to turn computer off...was able to hold for only one the photo too.

  20. i so luv the natural connectedness of this piece; i luv trees and an endeared by this poem

    Thanks for dropping in at my Sunday Lime today

    much love...

  21. What a fabulous poem Sherry and I am in awe as well as you draw the similarities of women and trees....why I am so drawn to them I suppose. I am now spending time outside even in stocking feet to feel the earth on my soles of my feet, to keep the connection to the earth as it fills me up.

  22. This is gorgeous, Sherry! If I couldn't go barefoot and feel the earth beneath me, I think I'd go mad.

  23. Lovely, Sherry! You have beautifully articulated an insight, reverence and respect that is core to "good" living ... and that is: the gift that nature bestows upon those who open themselves up to - with joy and gratitude - the positive cosmic energy that is all around us. A wonderful write!

  24. How is it we busy ourselves with technology
    and forget it is our bare feet on the ground,

    One is lulled into dreamland with tech availability forgetting the now!


  25. We must stop each day and remember our true connections,


  26. Turning off all the electronics so important-- sherry, I hope all is well with you, just reading about accident.
    Sounds just terribleZ k .

  27. Stunning, Sherry! It made me think of an article, Call of the Wild, by Bernie Krause, you can find it on line and I think you will like it.

  28. Beautiful call to get back outside.

  29. glad that you have your figures crossed for your beloved sister,

    powerful emotions.

  30. Absolutely gorgeous, Sherry. It is so important to make those connections with our Mother Earth. Thanks for reading me piece. I hope all is well with you.

    Pamela ox

  31. This is beautiful. We rob our souls when we don't commune with become one with it. In the tiny woods behind my house I watch wildlife make their way to my fence because they feel protected. The are more comfort to me than I am to them.

  32. I love that moment of silence and tranquility Sherry ~

  33. Honoring of the connection among all things living.

  34. I get revived also from being in nature - even on a rainy day there is a connection with the breeze at it plays with the trees.
    ...and yet we still embrace plastic


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