Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happiness is a Perfect Cloud

Driving the back way into town, suddenly:
Oh! My! God! LOOK at those clouds!
Puffy white picture-perfect storybook clouds
ringing the valley, outdoing themselves, 
truly, the most spectacular clouds
I have ever seen, against 
a perfect blue summer sky.

And there it was:
perfect happiness.

for Susan's prompt at Mid Week Motif: Happiness. I didnt have my camera, so the photo is from another day of beauty-happiness. But yesterday's clouds were the most astounding I have ever seen. Taking my camera with me from now on! I SO wanted to share them with you.


  1. This is splendid Sherry :D I too love the clouds.. there is a certain shade of joy & happiness in them! :D

    Beautifully executed :D
    Lots of love

  2. Clouds I am convinced have personality. My favorites are the puffy white ones against an aquamarine sky - glorious. I went for the clouds today as well.
    My poem today is dedicated to all the special people who make me happy - like you Sherry!

  3. Clouds have a bad reputation - as being about sadness. Yet, like you when I see the spectacular forms they can take, I feel sheer joy. Glad you enjoyed some yesterday.

  4. Clouds have this effect on me, too, Sherry. My eldest grandson and I often find messages and meaning in the walk-from-school sky.

  5. Oh, I am waiting for the clouds of happiness to float over...we are 'blessed' with the grey clouds that bring feelings of anything but!

  6. Wanting to share is another kind of happiness. Thank you for the clouds, for the sense of seeing them this minute, for the idea that they are out-doing themselves in raising our level of joy!

  7. YES.
    We are kindred spirits, ma'am. :)

  8. NIce. The clouds give me lots of joy as well. So many things to see in them. Getting near home as well after traveling carries its own happiness as well.

  9. thanks for the photo Sherry. i would have stopped too lol

    oh i can really feel your excitement in your words

  10. I love watching the clouds...this was a lovely moment to share - thanks

  11. Clouds and canines, what more could you ask?

  12. I feel this way about the mountains....they outdo themselves day after day and it is pure bliss to get to look at them :-) YES, always take the camera!!

  13. Clouds are magical. You feel you can almost touch them.

  14. The cloud gives a sense of liberation...great shot and lovely moment indeed, Sherry!! Enjoyed reading...:)

  15. Clouds have a life of their own ever changing, pleasing us, teasing us they are such flirts!

  16. "Puffy white picture-perfect storybook clouds
    ringing the valley, outdoing themselves," LOVE this Sherry :)

  17. Oh I am a cloud-wonderer too - you've captured something lovely here.

  18. Clouds have a way of forming themselves into lots of wonderful images. The best thing is it is not static. There is always something new! Truly said Sherry!


  19. My ipad is going bonkers. Yesterday it only showed one picture. Today I see a beautiful collection of lake and puppies. So glad you got out. This inspired me to break my routines and get out into nature. I must!

  20. That is JUST my kind of happy Sherry!! So wonder-full!! ♥

  21. I love the stories in clouds--this feels like a perfect moment Sherry!

  22. Sherry,

    You are quite right about the observations and reactions to cloud arrangements. Some instantly make you feel so upbeat and positive; while the clusters and sheets of greys, simply depress my attitude, especially here in UK! I agree with Mary's comment about those grey clouds..Happiness thrives on a lovely sunny day:)

  23. Beautiful clouds..and the essence of happiness..being in the moment and seeing something good in the world - perfect!

  24. at least we still have clouds, yes ? ~

  25. Those amazing moments of pure joy.

  26. Cloud - another semiotic, which fills our heart with joy, providing an instant dose of happiness...Beautiful!

  27. Yes, Sherry, I know exactly what you mean by your "happiness is a perfect cloud" poem - I have experienced a similar feeling. We don;t spend enough time looking, really looking, at the sky and clouds...


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