Sunday, June 14, 2020

I Dream of Sky.

Art photography by Luisa Azevedo

I dream of tundra,
with no Two-Leggeds,
safe, with endless miles to roam,
in deep wilderness,
that is not wild, to me,
but home.

Then I hear the Long Knives come
with their fire-sticks
and loud machines;
I look for hiding place unseen,
and dream of green.

When they stalk me,
here below, follow
everywhere I go,
raise their guns up high
with predatory, callous eye,
I dream of Sky.

for the Sunday Muse


  1. The thought of harming any animal is unbearable. Long Knives with
    Fire-sticks and loud machines ~~~ NO.

  2. You have given the buck a beautiful and wonderful voice! This world of man is so unkind to nature and wild animals. 💙

  3. Ah, to spent a little time in wilderness. Great words.

  4. Thank you for giving the magnificent animal a voice. I remember my days of meeting with a buck. He would stand beyond my back fence almost every day and we would stand looking at one another...trusting our spirits spoke a similar language.

  5. "in deep wilderness,
    that is not wild, to me,
    but home."

    Such a massive and deadly home invasion! The progressive dreams here are stunning. Thank you for giving voice to the wild.

  6. Horrible life to live that way. So many of the wild are in jeopardy from the gun and arrows with as care less for that life behind the weapon.
    Lets hope soon things will change for the good of them,, the Earth, and all Mom Nature.
    Written well, I got the bad feeling very quickly into my read.

  7. You have given the hunted a voice. They just want to survive in their home.

  8. This makes me think of those awful poachers. Love the write.

  9. The voice is wonderful in this. I love, "I dream of sky".

  10. The delights of roaming wild I guess.. If only us two-legged folk didn't try to impose our will on everything to our eternal loss!

  11. That ending--ooof. Heartbreaking.


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