Monday, March 10, 2025

The Song of Sky


Sing me a song of sky,
small bird.
Such a shy creature
you are,
yet unafraid to sing
this big old world awake.

Sing the arrival of spring:
baby animals
in the meadow,
ribbons of new leaves
covering the naked trees
of winter.

Sing to the hidden fox,
the cricket, the new wolf cubs,
looking out at the world, so big
and inscrutable.

Sing to we stumbling humans
your song of renewal,
of growth,
of beginning again,
a song of
the young and tender
~shy creatures, all~
who lift our hearts
and keep our spirits

for Shay's Word List: Shy Creatures


  1. I need this poem. I'm feeling dark today.

  2. What a beautiful and contented poem this is - how we all seem to love the shy, small birds - a joyous song of nature and being - Jae


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