Monday, March 24, 2025

No Turning Back

I am crossing
a land of  elm and ash
littered with bones,
a scarf across my chest
like a golden sash.

A black bird circles
against blue sky,
pointing her wing
into the forest dark and deep.

(Until that moment,
I had been asleep.
When Raven points
her feathery wing,
listen closely to
the message she will bring.)

On a quaking limb,
rests a prodigious egg
in a woven nest.
I hear it crack,
and then my quest
is blessed.

A hundred small birds fly up
into the sky, and I
am granted the gift of Wonder
and put it in my pack.
I am on my journey now
and there is no
turning back.

for Shay's Word List


  1. I enjoyed this story so much, Sherry, and, oh, I love the idea of being granted the gift of Wonder! That is a very special gift indeed!

  2. This reminds me of Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar." Yours here is a gorgeous poem, fearless and accepting, and unmistakably joyful in its way. A quietly anthemic poem, Sherry, full of hard-bought wisdom and a sense of peace.

  3. filled with wonder and wisdom, Sherry ~

  4. From the land littered with bones to the wonder of new birth...a crossing of hope and spirit..beautiful, Sherry...and flows so easily, can't believe you crafted it for a wordlist.

  5. I am glad you are gifted with the sight of new flight - and a wise conclusion which echoes your soul - Jae

  6. A dream poem that brings a message and a gift. This is really amazing.

  7. What would we do, Sherry, without the gift of wonder that nature revives in us?! Your poem is a fresh invocation of that gift and the Giver.

  8. [ Until that moment I had been asleep ] I know it's there for all to read but I had to smile a bit ... you are one of the most PRESENT ladies I know. A great poem Sherry that resonates. Thanks so much for leaving a comment for me.

  9. A hard fought peace and at great cost. Fare it well.

  10. This is gorgeous, Sherry. It hits just the right tone.


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