Monday, March 17, 2025



Star quality

Was that your big wolfy ears
I saw, in my dream,
poking out of the green bush
at dusk?

Your time has gone by too fast.
How you loved fishing and camping 
with your people.

You barked each fish into the boat,
then sniffed and kissed  it,
to welcome it aboard.

You had your own camp chair
around the fire. You loved
your life, and we love you.

Your legs are failing you, now.
Our hearts are sad
that you are in pain. But
once we set you free,
we promise
you will live forever in memory,
a wolfy boy, with a big presence,
who gladdened
all our lives.

Smokey laughing

Sadly, my granddog Smokey's hind legs are failing him. That time is coming soon, the one we dread, the hardest time of all, when we set him free. Like Pup, he has a big, wolfy, hilarious presence that only he can fill. He has lived a wonderful life, fishing and camping with my son and daughter-in-law.  So glad he had that. So sad it is nearing its end.


  1. What a special doggo, and what a special life he has led! It's clear he is super loved and knows it. I love both pictures, especially the bottom one with the wolf art and bookshelves in the background.

    1. That was my suite when I lived at the farm..........the wolves are now all over my walls here - and I mean ALL over. lol.

  2. What a beautiful celebration of true love. I am glad Smokey has such love around him and has had a good life and still will until it is time - Jae

  3. Good memories, here. Makes me miss my four legged friend


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