Tuesday, June 18, 2024



For years I wandered aimlessly
up and down,
past all the pretty cottages
in the town

where happy people lived.
Oh, how I dreamed,
when I was on the outside
looking in,
that one day I would live,
like them, within.

I found a blackbird heart.
We loved each other true.
But, unused to being cherished,
knew not what to do
with all the feelings we kept
locked inside
through all the fear we tried
so hard to hide.

"And now you're inside
looking out", he said.
And it was true.
The cornerstone of my free spirit,
trapped. He could not say
the words to make me stay.
I took my broken heart
and walked away.

for Shay at the Word List. After this, I made a mighty leap over the mountains to the sea, and began a glorious adventure. Wild Woman came into her own and it was perfect. 


  1. As always, you strike chords, remind me of a past life. I walked away, though my heart was not broken ... we were simply too young to appreciate the complexities of love and commitment. If only.

  2. Both Sides Now, eh? It is human nature to desire the thing we lack. Then, when we have it, we very often quickly tire of it. All roads lead to Rome, though, and you have ended up where you belonged from the start.

  3. "I found a blackbird heart.
    We loved each other true." -- Beautifully composed poetry, Sherry, born of pain and truth, I think, as dreams are shed and reality sinks in. Free spirits can't be caged for anything less than the words "he could not say/the words to make me stay."

  4. I hope in walking away the heart can be healed - such a touching poem - Jae

  5. He could not say the words to make me stay. - Loved this line - You can feel the forlorn hope in this. Sometimes we don't hear the essential words. I can feel your heart in this.

  6. "He could not say the words to make me stay." A woman who knows what she wants and needs and takes her power when it isn't given to leave. Great writing Sherry!

  7. Beautiful, Sherry. Both sides now, and you were strong enough to pick the harder one.

  8. "I found a blackbird heart.
    We loved each other true.
    But, unused to being cherished,
    knew not what to do" - I love that.


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