Monday, December 2, 2024

A Legend In His Own Mind

 No image, in deference to
our sensibilities.

If I numbered the problems
we face in this world
in a book, or a poem,
it would fill us with gloom,
and an enormous and hellish
sense of doom.

It would become
instantly legend.
Like a fat orange man
in a trance of self-love
(and "other"-hatred) whose sycophants
line up to kiss his ring
because he is - weirdly -
unfathomably - objectionably -
- incomprehensibly -

When you look in his followers' eyes
you can see they're in a trance,
hop to his little dance,
deep in their orange bro-mance.

The people took a turning.
Soon the best books will be burning.
Too late,  too late
to go back to the starting gate.

Where Shay's Word List took me. 


  1. It all boggles the mind, doesn't it? No one on earth is less deserving of adulation than this man, and yet there he is, with his red hat cultists. I love your apt descriptions of him! And many thanks for not making my eyes sad with his picture!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Now that it's on the screen my original comment looks too long to be a comment on your blog, so feel free to delete it if you want to. I appreciate your satirical rhymes, even if I *am* just a teensy-weensy bit bitter about the D Party and censorship.


  4. When we play with words/word lists, it's like a Rorschach test, all the worries come floating to the top, as big as the ego-bloated figures we have as our leaders these days.
    I especially liked "you can see they're in a trance,
    hop to his little dance,
    deep in their orange bro-mance."
    That "dance"! Everyone's so easily entertained while wars go on endlessly and children die needlessly in battles over real estate.

  5. well, i suppose in the end, regardless of differences, if we can just remember that loving our neighbors is a better course than letting their actions live rent-free in our heads. que sera sera ~

  6. It is a troubling state of affairs- even from this side of the world - I love how this flows like an hypnotic dance in a way that guides us along - Jae

  7. Am not sure about that starting gate, Sherry. Unless it goes way back, before horrible wars and thousands of children dying and endless fossil fuels. It would be good to start over from there!

  8. In a few weeks time he will be the most powerful man in the world. This just could not happen but it did. Lost for words. God help us all !

  9. That Legend is now the Unproven Fact in charge of tomorrows. Buckle up and hunker down with the feathers and furries, friend.

  10. It's incomprehensible, and yet very logical that all this is happening--cause and effect, history tediously repeating, a hard dichotomy between logic and worth, good and evil, all amid the dying throes of a civilization that could have been so much more than just guns and money. It's devastating and your poem picks it to pieces perfectly, down to the last WHY???
    I'm afraid our "golden years" are going to be a very tarnished, rough ride, dear Sherry.

  11. I love this anthem of what is in your poem Sherry and I truly feel these lines my friend! Thank you for the extra chuckles at "deep in their orange bro-mance". That is sadly true but still hilarious!

  12. Beautifully expressed Sherry! To me, many of his fans have dull eyes, no spark, they seem robotic.

  13. I think similarly to grapeling. Love plays a long game and I believe it's the best course, especially, as you've written, we face so many problems in this world~

  14. Yes, I agree...the followers DO look like they are in a trance. I have to hope they will wake up, but at the moment I am not hopeful. Sigh.

  15. The fat orange man deserves no glory, no attention, but here we are having to sit through it. I never thought we could hit such a low.


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