Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The voices of childhood
are often
sharp and critical,
accompanied by
disapproving looks
that say
You are not worthy.

In time,
these are 
often and inevitably 
replaced by the voices
of indifferent lovers,
that fade away,
leaving behind only
responsibility for
the voices of endless need,
clamoring for your time, 
your work,
your unremitting effort,
voices which often
dog your steps
for a lifetime.

Finally, you grow weary.
You need replenishment,
food for the spirit.

It is then that
you begin to listen to 
the clamorous voice
of your soul.

Heed its call.
Follow it wherever
it leads you - to city, 
or wilderness,
to the song of the sea,
or the dry desert places.
Heed its loud calling 
to whatever place it is
whose voice is
only peace.

Only then will
all those other voices
fall away,
the song of your place
in the world
running  through 
your arteries
your mind
your spirit
till all is healed
all is happiness
all is joy.

That wise wild woman
once you heed her,
will lead you home,
and you will never 
be lost 

At Poets United's Verse First, Kim has set us the prompt: Voices.
I thought of the series of voices that impacted my life, until I finally learned to listen to the only one that counted: the one within. Which is, young readers, the journey, the only real journey.

Do visit Verse First and check out the other offerings. Great prompt, Kim!


  1. gosh Sherry, this actually makes me wanna cry. instead i'll try to listen to my own voice. guiding me. but wah.

  2. Such a wise and wonderful poem. The "voice of our own soul"
    will never lead us astray.

  3. Sometimes those voices of childhood are the very ones we need to remember!

  4. Understood. After many years she finally is her own person/has her own voice. Just wish it hadn't taken so long because of detours along the way. ;)

  5. 'the clamorous voice / of your soul' - wow. Yes indeed, it must be followed, as you have advised so beautifully here.

  6. Very beautiful depiction of evolution of human voices through ages.

  7. We waste so much of our lives listening to other voices when it is the one within that is our champion. Beautiful Sherry

  8. Beautiful piece, Sherry. Wise words indeed:)

  9. Wisdom is an abstract that cannot be hoard because it is inherently emitting, uncontainably. Like the intrinsic beauty of a tree, a mountain, a river, the sky, the sea which cannot help but share with the soul of life its wisdom if the soul allows itself to be a receptacle.

    This is what you emit, mi amiga :-)

  10. Love it! And i agree...we need to listen to our own souls. Love your choice of words and the message. A good spiritual reminder to take a pause and know our true self.

  11. Sherry,

    Your poem could be a passport for life, such is the sense within your words. I heard your voice of sensibility!!!
    It is a shame, that sometimes we only hear the sensibility, long after the learning curve has been passed:)

    A fantastic poem Sherry, which I can relate to very well.

    Hope your week has improved after the previous dark clouds of recent weeks, especially thinking of Papa:)

  12. Wow, Sherry. I love it and I got a bit teary-eyed reading. You nailed this one so well.

  13. Thank goodness one finally gains the wisdom to listen to the inner voice. You took us through the process of getting to this place. Great addition to the prompt's collection, Sherry.

  14. Sherry this is wonderful! Too bad some lessons come later in life but at least they do come!

  15. finally it ends that way..listening to one ouwn soul and life is fulfilled!:)i loved the way you built it...:)


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