Mother Earth Speaks
My children,
my dear Earthlings,
I have given you so much:
everything you need and more -
enough for all beings, all creatures,
enough for trees and air and ocean
to survive and thrive.
I am hurting,
for you take too much,
you put nothing back,
and you are so many.
Fracking rips my innards apart,
the oilsands create dead zones
on my body,
the oil spilling into the rivers,
black death seeping in,
killing all in its path.
It grieves me to see
threat to the living waters,
for water is life.
I weep for the forests coming down,
lungs of the planet,
for you need air to breathe.
I feel temperatures rising,
all creatures suffering,
and I worry for
your children and grandchildren,
who are also mine.
I speak for my birds,
who have lost their song.
I speak for the wolves,
lions and elephants
who are dying out
as they try so hard to live.
I speak for the whales,
swimming in a warming toxic soup,
dodging your driftnets and propellers,
your garbage and plastic waste,
and i speak for the coral and plankton
which are already all but dead.
I speak for the salmon,
riddled with disease,
and for the polar bear,
swimming endless tired miles,
in search of diminishing
ice and food.
I speak for the forests
that are burning up,
for the wildlife fleeing in terror.
I speak for the topsoil,
blowing away
on a hot desert wind,
and for pesticide gardens,
that poison the food
that feeds the people.
I speak for the animals
caged in too-small pens,
eating and growing,
and waiting to be eaten,
who know and live their unendurable fate.
I speak for the bawling calf
ripped from its mother and discarded,
so humans can have cream for their coffee.
I speak for dogs chained
for ten years outside in the heat and the cold,
their misery plain in their eyes.
I speak for the voiceless, the captive,
the tortured, the abused,
who cannot speak for themselves
to express their misery,
at the mercy of merciless folks
who think animals have no feelings,
because they never dare to look into their eyes
and see the emotion, betrayed trust
and despair
shining so plainly there.
My children,
your pain, your dis-ease,
stems from disconnection
from your Source,
which is life, nature, the universe,
God, the All-That-Is,
and from your fellow earthlings.
Wake in the morning with a clean heart.
Step barefoot onto the ground.
Breathe in the precious gift of air from Sister Tree.
Give thanks for the water
as you make your morning tea.
Bless it.
Smile brotherhood to your neighbours.
Share. Give. Welcome. Spread joy.
Live in Hope and Trust,
in Gratitude and Wonder.
The lesson to be re-learned,
which the Old Ones always knew,
is: You Are All One.
There is no Other,
only humans, animals,
creatures that fly and swim,
trees, rivers, oceans, air,
each with its place
in the grand scheme of things.
Help them. Help me.
And, in doing so,
help yourselves.
everything that exists
just wants
to live.
for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif, at Poets United: Nature: Her Words
I reworked part of an old poem for this prompt and gave it a new slant, putting the words into Mother Nature's mouth.