
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

O is for Ordinary


O is for ordinary: a look out the window
at my street, smiling as small children
from the daycare walk past, waving;
the warmth of a cup of English Breakfast 
tea in my Dog Lover mug with the black dog
on it; sunshine and morning, and no bombs
falling, geranium leaves turning orange
as fall tiptoes towards the coming winter.

Could anything be sweeter
than a West Coast morning?

Walking at the shore, life is everywhere:
mussels clicking along the rocks, starfish
clinging to the sloping sides, anemones
that curl their arms up if you touch them
gently. Yet what amazing creatures they are.
When you really see them, they are
magical: each a small being, living
its life in spite of battering waves,
drought, heat, too-many
humans; each a small life trying
to survive the whims of fate,
and not ordinary at all.

for Sumana's prompt at What's Going On?  Ode to the Mundane, now open until Sunday evening - the beautiful ordinary, otherwise known as peace and well being, and not much going on, which we know enough to be grateful for, the while our hearts are breaking for all those who are suffering and dying across the planet. 


  1. Sherry, you have so well described the ordinary beauty of your little corner of the earth. I would love to be able to see all those sea creatures on a regular basis. Ordinary is to be appreciated for its beauty, that is for sure.

  2. I so love this ode to ordinary life and also not forgetting how it's sometimes shaken up by extraordinary happenings like the bombing. It's therapeutic to read about the gifts ordinary life offers us. Beautiful.

  3. No, the sea creatures aren't ordinary at all. What I've always found on the beaches I've visited were shells and horseshoe crabs, which aren't ordinary either, but nothing so exotic and gorgeous as those starfish and anemones. I have to ask--are they dyed?

    1. Smiles. No, they are as vibrant as shown - truly a wonder.

  4. Give me ordinary every time, Sherry! My cup of tea. The lines that stand out for me are:
    ‘Walking at the shore, life is everywhere:
    mussels clicking along the rocks, starfish
    clinging to the sloping sides, anemones
    that curl their arms up if you touch them
    gently. Yet what amazing creatures they are.’

  5. I love that you have mornings like this in a place of beauty, where "When you really see them, they are
    magical: each a small being." Such is the power of the ordinary!

  6. A wonderful poem Sherry, one of favs of yours. You make me miss my home by the sea. annell

  7. ah the whims of fate - and those little arms.. lovely!

  8. None of that is ordinary, Sherry. I think things become extraordinary when we notice them. You paint a lovely placid picture of small beauties.

  9. Ordinary and excellent. The tea makes for a great start!

  10. Why am I not surprised you're an English Breakfast tea person....we have quite a few things in common....this may not be a good thing:) Loved this poem !

  11. Rall wrote the above

  12. So much contentment in your words, Sherry. Every detail is important, beautiful.


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