
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

E is for Existential Crisis


E is for Existential Crisis.

E is for Extremely Discouraged.

E is for Ecological and Environmental Devastation,
and for Endangered Species: including us.

Meanwhile, the world turns and burns,
wages war against each other instead of
uniting to save all of our lives.

E is for emissions, increasing every year
because of addiction to oil and obscene wealth.

Which brings me back to where I started out:
E is for Existential Crisis.

for Rajani's climate crisis series. 


  1. So very true, Sherry. It is a vicious circle, isn't it? How apt that your beginning became the ending as well. Seems we are in a circular pattern which leads nowhere good.

  2. Existential crisis indeed, Sherry... but you wouldn't guess it from the lack of urgency to shut down fossil fuel usage. Thanks for linking to the climate series.

  3. "Endangered Species: including us."
    So true

    Sherry thanks for dropping by my blog.

  4. We must unite to realize that those trying to turn a mediation service into global tyranny (while leaivng it useless as a mediation service) are not, ever, going to save the Earth.

    Only individuals can do that. A critical mass of individuals who have faced the fact that Big Government's not going to stop emitting emissions for us; we have to do it for ourselves.

  5. We are the ultimate endangered species. I like your "E" poem, Sherry. Good job.


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