
Sunday, March 22, 2020


We womyn of the moontime,
following in the footsteps of
the shamanic dreamers of the past,
hearts attuned to the sound of the drum,
and the voice of the Watcher within,
know that, in every sister's herstory,
is an old wise woman with wrinkled cheeks,
a cackling laugh, and earth-based knowledge
of how to Be, of how to be

In this grey-cloaked winter of the dream-time,
we must remember to water
our parched womanly roots,
hold fast to the place in the earth that is ours,
as the winds whip our branches,
and the cold seeps at the edges of our being.
There be danger in this domain,
if we try to stay.

As the days slowly lengthen,
we reverberate with the rhythm of the tides,
those wild winter waves that knock our hearts
off the shelf of safekeeping,
into the depths, where we rediscover
what we forgot
that we already know.

There will come a time, just before spring,
when a woman has to step from 
the shore of the familiar
into the ocean of womynkind,
open our eyes in the space
between the old world and the new,
the darkness and the light.
There be no old maps to guide you.
You must follow in trust,
with a wild, wolfish, instinctual knowing,
from which you will emerge,
keen of eye, imbued with wisdom,
to mother the whole world.

One from 2014, when Wild Woman was afoot, and not so tired, for the open link at Earthweal.


  1. "..where we rediscover
    what we forgot
    that we already know.'
    yes, we all need that, now more than ever. The wool is pulled from our eyes, willingly or unwillingly, in times like these.

  2. We walk between the darkness and light in these troubling times. We are facing a transition of a large magnitude. What will we learn? Shat will we change? Who will be the new guides to show the way to wisdom's trail.

    A timely post, a dream premonition of sorts.

  3. It will surely take every drop of spiritual water from the well to sustain the tribe through the coming months. You have such an ocean to offer ... keep it coming ... - Brendan

  4. So many wise lines in this beautiful poem. I'm glad you pulled it up from the past. Your words are even more meaningful today. I do hope we remember what we already know.

    Take care friend.

  5. I especially like the line, 'there will be no old maps to guide you.' We truly are in unknown waters ~


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