
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Forever Wild

Wild Woman

In this, the Season of Lasts,
how to pluck a First out of the pot,
all new and shining?

The first time Wild Woman woke up,
after years of tapping on the inner bars,
there was a reckoning.

Her hair grew two feet overnight,
her eyes opened, astonished and amazed,
upon a whole new world:
The first of a thousand cackles
filled the air.

A Wild Woman needs a familiar,
and he appeared:
black wolf, hilarious, untamed,
he romped with her joyously
through the landscape of the wild.

Those firsts shine golden
in her memory.
Wild Women grow old.
They get tired.
But they always
remain wild.

for Paul's prompt at Real Toads: Firsts.


  1. Captured beautifully,


  2. the wild spirit once awakened, never dies - how stunning this poem :)

  3. This is so incredibly poignant, Sherry!❤️ Especially love; "Those firsts shine golden in her memory. Wild Women grow old.They get tired. But they always remain wild." Beautifully penned!❤️

  4. Yes, the "wild" stays free...cannot be tamed. And Wildwoman, follows the sound of the "wild."

  5. Your wild woman spirit will never be tamed.

  6. I'll bet there was a reckoning!This is a call to the wild in us all. Brilliant.

  7. I am a tired Wild Woman myself so I understand the feeling. but sometimes, the wind calls my name and the owl beckons me follow. Lovely wild poem.

  8. Isn't it a wonder of nature this "thing" that lives beyond. (even time) Beautiful.

  9. "her eyes opened, astonished and amazed, / upon a whole new world" the first glimmer of dawn promising a whole day. So beautiful Sherry.

  10. This is my new favorite of yours! Absolutely wild, with hair growing wild and a familiar and a romp--I know this speaks for many women and men who exit the cages that held them away from their inner light. I am one of them.

  11. Luv the wild spirit emerging and happily meeting the alter ego

    Much love...

  12. The wild spirit craves to be nurtured and rekindled. It makes life more interesting!


  13. Oh yes, Sherry. Of course they do!!!
    One of my lingering memory songs was "Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women (they'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane. Oh once I had a good wife but she wouldn't lobe me, no not on your life...) or something like that. I learned it in high school.

  14. Oh yes, Sherry. Of course they do!!!
    One of my lingering memory songs was "Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women (they'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane. Oh once I had a good wife but she wouldn't lobe me, no not on your life...) or something like that. I learned it in high school.

  15. Oh the power in a the wild woman spirit.. I have been suppressing mine of late. I think it is time to howl.


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