
Saturday, March 12, 2016


Moon by Priya Kumar in Oman Aug/2012

We womyn of the moon,
following in the footsteps of 
the shamanic dreamers of the past,
hearts attuned to the sound of the drum
and the voice of the Watcher within,
know that, in every sister's herstory,
is an old wise woman with wrinkled cheeks,
a cackling laugh,
and earth-based knowledge 
of how to Be,
how to be She.

In this grey-cloaked winter of the dream-time,
we must remember to water 
our parched womanly roots,
hold fast to the place in the earth that is ours,
as the winds whip our branches,
and the icy cold seeps at the edges of our being.
There be danger in this domain,
if we try to stay.

As the days slowly lengthen,
we reverberate with the rhythm of the tides,
those wild winter waves which knock our hearts 
off the shelf of safekeeping,
into the depths, where we rediscover
what we had forgotten
that we already know.

There will come a time, just before spring,
when a woman has to step from 
the shore of the familiar,
into the ocean of womynkind,
open our eyes in the space
between the old world and the new,
the darkness and the light.
There be no old maps to guide you.
You must follow in trust,
with a wild, instinctual, wolfish Knowing,
from which you will emerge,
keen of eye, imbued with wisdom,
to mother the whole world.

from winter, 2014, revisited - a bit early for Poets United's Poetry Pantry, and a bit late for International Women's Day. 


  1. Yes, so true that in spring sometimes we do need to step from the shore of the familiar..... We have to trust our journey, knowing that we are headed just where we are meant to go. Often this takes a leap of faith!

  2. So beautiful filled with truth.

    I thought one time I might like to be a shaman.

  3. Sometimes it's better to follow our instincts... The drums and wolffish calls. The moon has a special voice.

  4. Stepping forth into the world..girl to woman..and no compass but our well written Sherry.

  5. This is a celebration of life especially of womanhood. Everything here is essential to listen to the thoughts of a woman, independent and intuitive. Thanks for sharing this Sherry

  6. What an earthy mystic flavor this has. Man has strength but little wisdom and woman the reverse. When I read poems like this I try to get in touch with my feminine side!

  7. The time is always right foe a poem dedicated to the divine feminine.

  8. Wise words - I love the idea of transformation from winter to summer..the bracing of our roots for lengthening days..and a guide within..yep..think i can empathise with that although may wish to trade her in at times xo

  9. Lovely. That's a power packed poem. I like the natural flow and the clear imagery. :-)

  10. when a woman has to step from
    the shore of the familiar,
    into the ocean of womynkind,
    open our eyes in the space
    between the old world and the new,
    the darkness and the light.

    Such beauty such power in these lines.
    Beautifully penned.

    Lots of love,

  11. lovely picture with lovely words

  12. Lovely poem, progression and growing "to mother the whole world"

  13. "There be no old maps to guide you.
    You must follow in trust"
    : if only more would heed this message. most of us are looking for those maps.

  14. I love your wisdom, Sherry, and the way you share it like a this is brilliantly insightful:
    "into the depths, where we rediscover
    what we had forgotten
    that we already know"

  15. I can't tell you how much I love "women" spelling with a "y." It's perfect somehow.

    I love the last five lines. Beautiful poetry, Sherry. You're so in tune with nature ... and womankind.

  16. I love that idea of remembering forgotten wisdom... of realizing what we knew and know. Nice job, Sherry.

  17. Every spring I step from that shore of the familiar and begin again....this was such a beautiful, wise poem from a very wise! :)

  18. Love this wise poem, the line 'we must remember to water
    our parched womanly roots,' for me calls not only the women but men too, to our feminine receptive energies, to follow our instincts, our deepest memories, and the map is not always there, but what it important - we indeed will make a new twist in our spiritual self-growth influencing all others around us. Thank you for reminder, Sherry! Blessings!

  19. Luv the wisdom of female being in your poem. My favour lines
    "we must remember to water
    our parched womanly roots"

    Thanks for dropping in at my Sunday Lime

    Much love...

  20. I love this for its wisdom and the knowing we all know, but sometimes forget. This is one of your classics Sherry.

  21. Love this Sherry, but then I'm sure you knew I would, lol. Thank you,


  22. We must never forget to honor the great She! And I love the way you've chosen to remind us, Sherry. ♥

  23. "There be no old maps to guide you.
    You must follow in trust," - I love this line, it's a perfect summary to the rest of the text. Also, I have a background in Geography and there is a lot of depth one could take. An old map could guide, but they are imperfect, faulty. So at times it is better to trust your own instincts and draw a new map for yourself and others.

  24. keen of eye, imbued with wisdom,
    to mother the whole world.

    Nature has it that women are thrust into accepting the responsibilities of ensuring a semblance of orderliness. Very true Sherry!


  25. Powerful invitation to enter into the space of "WOMYN OF THE MOON"

  26. There be no new maps either. We be on our own!

  27. To mother the whole world and this:

    into the ocean of womynkind,

    Lovely tribute to all women Sherry ~

  28. It's never too late for International Woman's Day, as every day is, the celebration of Woman's Day, within our true heart, Sherry.

  29. Ch'ang-O is the Chinese Goddess of the Moon. She does not personify the moon like other moon goddesses. She lives on the moon.

  30. A tribute to womanhood.. Telling that sometimes we may have to move out of our comfort zone!


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