
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beauty Bound

Clayoquot Sound photo by David Hogan
Frank's Island in the foreground

I am bound by the beauty of this place,
indentured under changing ocean skies,
kindred to the trees lining the shore,
like maiden supplicants, worshiping before
the wild waves and the dancing whitecap froth,
and to the sandy shore I plight my troth.

I live apprenticed to the eagle's cry,
his swoops and circles rising ever high.
Majestic ruler of the sea and sky,
his soaring splendor captivates my eye,
held fast by beauty, struck with wonder, I.

Driftwood for my bed, the wild wind cries
among the lashing trees, the ocean tides,
calling me home to the shore that knows my name.
So many years, in joy, I walked inside
this beauty. Since, I've never been the same.

Drunk with the beauty, captive to the sea,
my heart is bound ~ only one place home to me.

for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif: Beauty. The song "Bound By the Beauty" by Jane Siberry sprang to mind. It was popular the summer I first moved to Tofino and is inextricably woven into my memories of living there.


  1. Apprenticed to the eagles cry - love that.Dont you just love the textures of driftwood as well. The battering of the waves on it rubbing it smooth and opening up those lines. You def are in love with your place - Tofino

  2. Wow, a beautiful place to be & one that truly calls you home ~ I specially like this part:

    kindred to the trees lining the shore,
    like maiden supplicants, worship before
    the wild waves and the dancing whitecap froth,
    and to the sandy shore I plight my troth.

  3. "Drunk with the beauty, captive to the sea,
    my heart is bound ~ only one place home to me."

    Nothing can beat this place, Sherry. Being a nature lover that I am, I just fell in love with this piece. Beautiful writing, as always.

  4. "So many years, in joy, I walked inside
    this beauty. Since, I've never been the same."....Nature's beauty is just that...when under its sway one is transformed and transforms others...Thank you Sherry...

  5. ah yes to be indentured to this world of wild wisdom of comforting calls - who would ever want to leave.
    I envy you clearing out stalls and inhaling the world of those dear four legged creatures

  6. The closing lines say it all :D such a fabulous piece!! Beautifully penned :D

    Lots of love,

  7. A mix of emotions, precise like a bird in flight. I enjoyed reading, thanks for sharing.

  8. I can understand how incredibly beautiful the place is, through your poem.

  9. I am glad that the ocean is calling you in this poem; and I am hoping that you will heed its call before the snow flies, Sherry. Drunk with that kind of beauty is the best kind of drunk, I would say. Smiles.

  10. Wow, Sherry! This is, well, beautiful.

  11. A beautiful place indeed, judging by the photo - and I feel the wild yearning in your poem ... or yearning for wildness.

  12. You draw me in with your images and resonance of the beauty of this place.

    Thanks for dropping by to read mine

    Much love...

  13. How beautiful this is and demonstrates how clearly attached one can be to a place that not only has beauty but gives you comfort as well.

  14. I don't know the song, but your poem is beautifully powerful, a strong declaration of love for your heart's home. I loved it. 😉

  15. It certainly is a fantastic place to be at. Living there compounded the pleasure! Great lines Sherry!


  16. The beauty described makes me want to visit great poem.

  17. in that your narative is the personification of an eagle's soaring, looking down and up upon the vastness of its abode, you capture my spirit that remembers my soul that lived as an eagle from my life before. i was a golden and traverse the scape and scope the land and sky before. tracias for this beautiful piece, mi amiga

  18. I love the use of "apprentice" I would love to be the student of eagle...sigh...the rhythm of this poem is smooth and energizing...a lovely closing, too...beautiful poetry, Sherry!

  19. The ocean's beauty is matched only by this incredible poem, Sherry.

  20. Home is definitely where the heart is.


  21. This is a beautiful song inspired by a beautiful place. Your heart speaks its love for Tofino.

  22. Yes, the music of your peice, can be heard. Lovely.

  23. A perfect poem extolling the beauty of a place Sherry!

  24. What a perfect way to become part of the beauty that you live in.. I think it's true, we become part of the landscape we inhabit.

  25. I feel that, too, Sherry. One with the land and the sea.

  26. your poem really sings about the beauty of this place.

  27. This is so-o-o fine ... a lovely tender/strong rendering, that reflects a complex, visceral and primordial relationship with the sea. The close is perfect: layered and poignant.

  28. The beauty of nature and its fragility is captured so well in your verse, Sherry. A lovely poem.


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