
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Messages in Ice

By observing, communicating, 
and freezing liquid into ice,
he learned to read 
the messages
of water

Dr. Masuro Emoto,  author of several books on the subject, believes human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. In many experiments where the doctor has exposed water to words and pictures, and then froze it, the resulting crystals formed varying intricate patterns in response, captured by microphotography. The resulting crystals were beautiful when the messages given were positive, and very obviously dark and chaotic when words or pictures were negative or threatening. I find this very fascinating. Part of the magic and wonder of this living planet.

Posted for Kim Nelson's prompt for Verse First at Poets United: Icy
Do stop by the prompt site, for some wonderful reading on this topic.


  1. Very cool to think that there might even be messages to be found in water or ice, Sherry! I guess, if truth be told, we can find messages everywhere.

  2. Our world, whose intricacies so often elude us, amazes and intrigues. There is so much for us yet to learn, as illustrated by the fascinating example you've shared. Oh... and your poem ideally synopsizes Dr. Emoto's work!

  3. I suspect the video (which referred to him as Dr. Emote) shows that no two water crystals, like no two snowflakes, are the same.
    Gorgeous idea, though. And it's true our thoughts can affect our bodies, negatively or positively, even if it just might possibly maybe not be true that our thoughts can do that to water.
    Just sayin'...
    Luv, K

  4. Something totally new to me, Sherry. How very intriguing. In a way similar to homeopathy, when the smallest percentages of substance still have an effect because of the body memory they bring about.
    There's more to heaven and earth, Horatio....

  5. I read one of his books - fascinating. Got me interested in the whole realm of sound waves and the shaping of this world.

  6. I have long believed in the 'energies' that surround and affect us on a daily basis. I found it intriguing that the crystal formed by anger had a large hole at its center, and the one about killing actually appeared to hold a human figure in its shadows. You always find such intriguing things to share with us, Sherry. Thank you,


  7. Sherry,

    You always find something new to bring to my world!! I like your train of thought and the information via the video. I am open to many ideas about energies etc. I have great respect for water and ice...The need for one and fear of tampering with the other:)

    Great words Sherry.
    Best Wishes,

  8. This was so interesting! I found the music so relaxing

  9. Interesting...there is so much mystery in the world...

  10. Yes, I've reed Dr. Emoto. I even kept a pitcher with prayerful, positive words pasted to it. How can positivity not be good? I like your poem.

  11. Thank you Sherry! This is happy you shared~:D

  12. How fascinating. We live in a most amazing place. Thank you for your words and sharing the video and information about Dr. Emoto.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. interesting post
    and by the messages of water you mean essentially all life - we are all connected aren't we and what else is so necessary and so adaptable as water-

  15. This is touching on something that had baffled the world. Apparently 'little aliens' or something had been sending messages. One is not destined to see but some chosen ones can. Is this one of them? I wonder! Nicely Sherry!


  16. Yes

    Sending Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >

  17. I enjoyed your concise poem but I didn't understand fully until I read about the Dr. How interesting this all is and I will learn more about it now.

  18. I have his book and love it - wishing more were aware. How are you? let me know.

  19. Coool! That is so fascinating! Thanks for sharing. :)

  20. I'd never heard of this, Sherry. Sounds extremely interesting. There is so much we still don't know about us and the world, yet there are so many who think they know everything. We are mere specks in the universe.

  21. Interesting & refreshing!
    McGuffy's Reader

  22. What he does with water molecules to speed and slow to ice is like a tape recorder finding the right speed for the listener. Beautiful tape. We could, all could be messages.

  23. I love Dr Emoto's work; so important! Thanks for the reminder.

  24. I too love Dr Emoto's work and think we're going to be seeing many more ideas along this line as discoveries continue about energy and all the places it resides and shapes it's found in etc. - I love your poem and the way you've tied so many positive things together. Nicely done.


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