
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hungry Wolf

thin and ragged, keen of eye, I run along the shore.
I must eat something today to stay alive
clearcut slopes offer no shelter, winter forests have no food
hunger drives us  to the village if our pack is to survive

I must eat something today to stay alive 
some kelp, some mussell shells along the shore,
hunger drives us to the village if our pack is to survive
In these fields  I found a rabbit once before

I eat some kelp, some mussel shells along the shore
"If you see  Two-Legged, run!" my mama said.
In these  fields  I found a rabbit once before.
What is Two-Legged holding - why have my eyes gone red?

"If you see  Two-Legged, run!" my mama said.
clearcut slopes offer no shelter, winter forests have no food
what is Two-Legged holding - why have my eyes gone red?
Bleeding, too late, I remember: "Run!" my mama said.

Peggy Goetz's wonderful prompt at Poetry Jam this week is The Beast In You. Peggy encourages us to speak from the point of view of an animal, a topic dear to my heart. The critters are struggling to survive these days, especially in my valley, where they are clearcutting all the slopes as fast as mechanically possible. All manner of wildlife are emerging from lost habitat and too many are being shot as a result, for simply being displaced and hungry. My heart aches for them, every last one.


  1. Oh, Sherry, this breaks my heart, as I know it does yours. I so wish the 'Two Leggeds' would not intrude on their habitats. All they want to do is stay alive!!

  2. You let us feel the kinship!

    Happy Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >

  3. run indeed...they dont understand us...and that we need to eat as well...nice POV on the wolf sherry....

  4. That kind of stuff just breaks my heart, Sherry. I'd like to get my hands on a bulldozer and knock down a real estate developer's house, with them in it, and turn it into a wildlife park.

  5. I'm so sad now. I get so upset when I hear of defenseless animals being killed like that. I like how you wrote about it. I wasn't always such an animal lover, but my consciousness has been raised. And you help me stay aware.

  6. I can only echo everyone else--an excellent poem, yet heartbreaking--we have to realize that we are all in this together, and stop destroying habitat

  7. Oh Sherry. Excellent!! You wring my heart. You used the repeated lines so effectively too and that fits the subject so well. Thanks.

  8. ..."mama said run"... UGH. I knew you would be writing about a wolf...

  9. Powerful! Poor wolf. Never thought of wolf subsisting on sea fare.

  10. This a bitter reality of man invading the habitat of animals ~ Mama was right, they need to run away from us ~

  11. Sherry, you write about animals with such insight, depth ... as though you lived among them. This was frightening and upsetting .... however, it needed to be written.

  12. could feel the hunger of the wolf - enjoyed your piece -
    i did email you back - my email is-

  13. Aww. Your passion comes through Sherry. It seems there should indeed be room enough for all of us. Wolves are such fascinating creatures. I love your wolf posts cool you had one to call your own. Or, he called you his...

  14. oh no, how awful and far too common.

  15. This is a very tender and evocative piece. Obviously heart felt, it moved me greatly.

  16. do like the remembering Mama... hope my kids are like that

  17. I love this take on the wolf! I always picture the wolf strong and cunning. As if he never needs anyone or anything and you show me a more fearful side of him. Lovely write

  18. oh, this is heart wrenching, Sherry! and too often the case all around the world. i doubt mankind will be around to regret it though.

    a wonderful, powerful, sorrowful write!

  19. Very well done.

    Few people realize the necessity of thinning animals where all will not starve...they call it cruelty.


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