
Friday, December 20, 2024

Tofino Loves Poetry


Leah Morgan, beginning the evening
with her beautiful song

Me, reading my Song for Solstice

The beautiful Roy Vickers Gallery
is such a wonderful venue for our Christmas
poetry event. As always, we packed the house.
Tofino really loves poetry!

Last night, our Poet Laureate, Janice Lore, hosted an amazing evening of song, poetry and laughter. A highlight was a poem contributed to by nineteen villagers. Janice had called for submissions and the response was wonderful. Each of us read our stanzas in turn. I choked up reading mine, as a wave of grief rolled over me. I barely got the words out. The topic line was In your deepest November, and of course November was very deep and very dark for my family, with the loss of my grandson, now forever gone, forever missed.

In your deepest November,
you slipped away
like an elfin child;
too soon, your long goodbye.

People were kind about my being submerged. It would be impossible to read those words out loud without emotion. 

That was my final holiday event. Now I will happily stay in my hermitage until the New Year. Other than some beach walks to commune with the wild waves.

Happy holidays, friends!


  1. Sherry, it looks like a wonderful turnout for a night of poetry. November has indeed been deep and dark for me as well. I am sure yours was heartfelt and beautiful.

    Happy Holiday to you as well!

  2. The venue looks beautiful and it is wonderful that so many turned out for poetry and shared your emotional reading.

  3. What a wonderful event and turnout. Your poet laureate seems very dedicated, and (of course) the stanza you read was touching and oh so sad!

  4. Oh Sherry, I can understand you being overcome with emotion reading your stanza. Your family faced a very dark November. Wishing you a year ahead of healing your saddened heart. With love...

  5. Was happy to share that evening. Poetry brings out the grief. That was the most important part of the night.

  6. That was the hardest and most important moment of the evening!


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