
Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Crystal Ships Are Leaving


And now the crystal ships are leaving*
while you are dancing in disguise.
A flowerless goodbye shines in your eyes.

The moonlight glimmers on the sea,
in its beauty I'm believing, yet
nevertheless, the crystal ships are leaving.

You were as gentle as a dove;
your heart was fractured by lost love.
A flowerless goodbye shone in your eyes.

The starfields called your name,
a visitor I am always grieving,
and the crystal ships are now forever leaving.

We could not keep you here,
it has now become so clear:
a flowerless goodbye shone in your eyes.

How do we let you go?
How much we love you - did you know?
The crystal ships are leaving,
for a flowerless goodbye shone in your eyes.

* a line from Jim Morrison's song The Crystal Ship


  1. I thought I recognised the crystal ships reference - you give it more beauty...such a tender poem and wonderful remembrance-

  2. What an image you have painted...crystal ships are leaving... Sending hugs, Sherry.

  3. Really a beautiful poem! Such wonderful lines...and I DO like the use of the 'crystal ships.'

  4. An elegant execution of the form, and a very poignant remembrance of one lost too soon, Sherry. I truly believe in the saying 'only the good die young."

  5. This is so beautifully written Sherry, such a heartfelt tribute. I sit with you in grief, crying too young, too young.

  6. You do the de chirico and word list both a sadly masterful turn here Sherry - compact and muscular as big waves smashing on an emptied shore. Great work. No note about the figure in the picture, close to you?

    1. My grandson, Brendan, who sadly took his life November 4th.

  7. This is a beautiful tribute. I like the grieving/leaving/believing rhyme. This feels like it could become a song.

  8. Beautiful, moving, and perfect form.

  9. "How do we let you go?
    How much we love you - did you know?"

    I am so sorry for your loss. Yet I am also glad to read your beautiful words in honour of your loved one. Much love to you and your family, Sherry 🩷


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