
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Apathy is Unconstitutional


The apathy of the population
in this avocado world full of rot,
where all the trees are burning
and everyone is too busy talking politics
to lower emissions,
makes me writhe.

Awkward and bumbling,
we circle like deaf mutes,
trying not to hear,
furiously rejecting the gibberish
of the cartoon reality host
with madness and the murder
of democracy
on his mind.


It is all too much
for our tired brains
to hold.

Yet we're terrified that,
by some sleight of hand
(and interference at the ballot boxes)
we might yet return
to the mayhem
and will lose our minds
(and our freedoms.)

Apathy is just not possible
this time around. 
Our hearts rise with hope.
Let's follow them to the voting booth
in huge numbers,
and listen for
the global sigh of relief.

Well. This is what Shay's Word List had to say to me today.


  1. I won't feel easy about it until Kamala is firmly ensconced in the White House. I feel very confident that she will win but there are rumblings about whether officials in red states will certify the election. There seems to be no depth to which they will not fall.

    1. I heard the same thing. So illegal and yet somehow it seems they are allowed to do it? Maybe the National Guard should be in all polling stations? Isnt it insane that we have to worry about open illegality, treason, anarchy, in North America? Unbelievable. Plus they will make her accomplishing anything as hard as they made it for Obama, but she is strong, as is he.

  2. I only follow the section on UK news but it seems like a mind-field..let's hope for al the world that a better government is installed..a passionate poem as always - Jae

  3. Heartfelt! I hear you sister! <3

  4. It won't be relief the globe is sighing with if the Party of Censorship and Global Government, whatever it calls itself in one country or another, gets ahead. It'll be the entire Internet imploding like Twitter. It'll be the whole world's economy crashing like the Soviet Union's.

    Governments can't fix the climate. Governments CAN destroy the Internet and the economy. Don't let them do that under some preposterous pretense of fixing the climate.

  5. (Oy, Google...well you know I'm the only one blunt enough to have typed the comment above!--PK)

  6. I am on the same page with you Sherry! These lines resonate deeply with me!

  7. Wonderful use of the prompt words, Sherry. We are on the same page with this one. It's scary out there.


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