
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Pink Rabbits and Too Many Candles


I thought to make a cake
for my birthday, full of sugar,
with candy all around the edge.
I opened seven packages of candles - seven!
And sat there, amazed, at the journey
I have made, chasing that pink rabbit
in a circle, then circling back,
until someone took pity
and handed me a compass
that helped me find my way.

Raven pointed her feathery wing
up over the mountains, and so I came
into the land of dreams, walking
like a somnambulist through beauty
that seemed too magical to be real.
And yet it was, and is.

I send you a cupcake of wishes,
wherever you are, and a complimentary
mug of tea. And when next you spot
a pink rabbit, I hope
you'll think of me.

for Shay's Word List - which sent me into a bit of a sugar high! I didnt really open all those candles. Just a token few, one for each decade. LOL. What a jouney this life is. I kinda love it.


  1. Pink rabbits beat pink elephants every time. I hope that your birthday was a happy, festive one and that there was at least an animal or a bird who dropped in to say best wishes.

    1. A few people and a dog. I told them next year I want more dogs. LOL.

  2. If ever I see a pink rabbit, I WILL indeed think of you! I am glad your birthday was joy-filled.

  3. What a wonderfully joyous poem - would love to share tea and cake with you - happy birthday - Jae

  4. "Raven pointed her feathery wing
    up over the mountains, and so I came
    into the land of dreams . . . ." A metaphor that seems so charged with inevitability and the promise of safe harbor. Loved the whole poem, Sherry, and thank you for the "cupcake of wishes"! Happy (belated) Birthday!

  5. Lovely, Sherry! It's also lovely that your path took you to a place of dreams and magical beauty. Happy Birthday!

  6. yes - everything pink - that is happiness


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