
Monday, July 15, 2024

A Candle for the Dead


In ceremony, I light a candle for the dead.
So hasty was his leaving, I was not ready -
his face ashen, now, his spirit having fled -
so hard to find my footing, make it steady.

So hasty was his leaving, I was not ready.
I sing a lullaby to him, ring little bells.
So hard to find my footing, make it steady,
I build an homage, an altar of sand and shells.

I sing a lullaby to him, ring little bells.
We had adventures when the lad was young.
I build an homage, an altar of sand and shells,
remembering when our journey had just begun.

We had adventures when the lad was young -
his face ashen, now, his spirit having fled -
his song unfinished when it had just begun.
In ceremony, I light a candle for the dead.

A rhyming pantoum for Shay's Word List. This past week, a young teen I cared for when he was small died suddenly. For six years, when he was little, we walked forest trails, bought treats and then went home to colour together. He told me "You're like a grandma to me." He was only fourteen and so suddenly gone, it is hard to assimilate. And extremely sad.


  1. Wow, Sherry. First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about the boy passing especially at such a young age. Your poem, though, is so beautifully done! I am really impressed. It's a fine fine tribute to the young man. I am abashed, after stressing rhyme, that my own poem doesn't, but yours does it splemdidly.

  2. It is a poor effort, compared to earlier years. But I challenged myself to do a rhyming pantoum, just to see if I could manage it at all. The young lad's family is just devastated. It was a freak accident, the last thing one would expect.

  3. Sherry this is a beautiful rhyming pantoum, Life is filled with rhymes and it works perfectly to express the great loss you feel. I will drum a song for your friend who now dwells in the sky world.

    Brightest Blessings, my friend!

  4. I am sorry for your loss Sherry - the tenderness and love in this poem really comes across and I love the use of repetition - simply beautiful - Jae

  5. How beautifully expressed and that form with its repetition works wonderfully.. So sorry for your loss... hard to process such loss.

  6. This is heartfelt and beautifully written, Sherry. I am so sorry for your loss and the grief you and his family are experiencing. What wonderful memories you have of that time with him.

  7. I am so sorry for the loss of the precious young man. This poem is full of the tender, moving memories you shared with him.

  8. This is so sad, Sherry, the lines of the poem themselves bring tears, more so on learning the event behind them. Too young too sudden and soon. Sending you hugs and much love, prayers for your comfort.

  9. Heart break never really goes away and you can the tears through the years in this beautiful poem.

  10. You have written a wonderful, if sad, pantoum. The rhyming is perfect.

  11. So impressive, Sherry! Pantoums are so hard! Especially rhyming ones! But this is beautiful - using the repetition like the chant of ceremony and ending so perfectly. Amazing job.


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