
Friday, June 21, 2024

I Wake Up, and It Breaks My Heart


In the morning I open my eyes on this beautiful West Coast world: old growth forest breathing greenly, eagles circling overhead, puffy-cloud blue sky above, and those waves, rolling eternally into shore. The world could not be more beautiful. The world could not be more suffering, and it breaks my heart: forests we need to cool the planet are being clearcut as fast as the temperatures rise, wildfires are burning - again, still, gobbling more trees, miles and miles of trees. Heat domes cover half the country. People are fleeing the flames, leaving their cities. Other places are flooding. And of course, what we don't see on the news, are the animals, starving, displaced, with no where to run, no place safe from human depredation.

I watch the news and it breaks my heart. War, bombing, starving, suffering and dying people, governments so busy talking about war and the level of political threat in the world, no one is paying attention as the planet heats up. Where once we feared reaching 1.5 of global warming, the latest news is governments have moved the goal to 2.0, so they can conveniently continue to deny that we have already passed the tipping point. 

Soon there will be no polar bears, reporters tell us, gazing calmly into the camera. There are 74 orcas left in the southern pod in steadily warming seas, where the salmon they live on have decreased alarmingly. Politicians care more about re-election - and putting party before planet - than they do about whether their constituents will survive into the very near future. We must be the only planet that doesn't address a climate crisis because it isn't economically viable. (The cost of cleaning up after floods, wildfires, tornadoes and extreme climate events is higher, and war is expensive too, but no one is connecting those dots. And the nuclear threat is once again heating up as dictators rattle their sabres and band together.)

Wolves and dogs, my favourite beings on the planet, are suffering in numbers too massive to contemplate, and it breaks my tired old heart.

I was raised to live in hope. I was once full of dreams. I was so positive I annoyed people.  I believed humanity would evolve, there would be a transformation of consciousness. Instead, I see fanatical belief in misinformation and lies,  a global thirst for fascism and more of that horrible old white supremacy we fought against for so long. Human and women's rights that we fought for are being lost. Are we really going to go back and have to fight all those old battles again? Is North America, that fought fascism in World War II, seriously going to become fascist ourselves? (Be careful what you wish for, right-wingers, because you will get a nasty shock under autocratic rule, when democracy is lost.)

In the morning, I open my eyes on this beautiful West Coast world. And it breaks my heart.


  1. If only because the Left and Right Wings of Tyranny are represented by such old men, I had hope for a victory for common sense...till Kennedy named some friend's kid as running mate. Once again our only hope is that The System will slow down the damage any individual or small group may do.

    Biden's acceptance of evil ideas like vax passports and censorship is very likely to reelect Trump. That may give left-wingers a rationale for blaming right-wingers. Independents aren't likely to buy it.

    Both major parties are just too big to represent anyone very well, but never before have they smelled so foul.


  2. And those who associate White males with tyranny should consider Mean Girl Harris, another part of the secret of Trump's probable success...


  3. Here in Canada so many people are focussed on criticizing the current PM (i will never forgive him for buying a pipeline) that they don't seem to realize they are helping usher in another right wing era. I have no answers for you Sherry as you know. But i feel the things you feel :( I love the things you love :)

  4. Can i put a link here?

  5. Politics before planet. The sentiments you express, Sherry, are clear-eyed and what many people know to be real. Now that we are beyond the pivotal point, the last thing survival needs is the deceitful non-serious tactics of the far right and willfully blind.


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