
Friday, May 24, 2024

Through a Lens of Beauty


Poetry taught me to pay attention,
to notice the small beauties: birdsong,
a furry bee asleep inside a blossom, the way
 mist swirls around the shoulders of the island
like a cape worn by a dowager, who has watched
the harbour for a thousand years.

It causes me to notice things: a heron perched
atop a scrag, the scrag itself, bark-worn and
grooved by time, the way my own face
wears lines these days, looking more like
my grandmother than me.

Poetry tenderized me, taking me from euphoric
and optimistic to a deeper place that sees the beauty
through a prism of sorrow, the heartbreak
of human folly turning towns into war zones,
clearcutting forests, driving other beings
to extinction, heating the earth to a boiling point,
blind to our shared peril.
Poetry attuned me to the world so deeply
that my eyes leak tears, all the stored tears
of my lifetime, which over-filled my heart,
now released by loss, by love and pain,
by orphaned whale calves and starving children
and times that will never,
can never, come again.

Poetry opened my eyes which can never, now,
be closed. It made me see the whole of life,
but through a lens of beauty: a planet struggling
to survive, a world that strives to live, as tenuously
as a fly caught in a spider web that notices,
as it tries in vain to unstick its legs, how beautiful 
the morning dew is, and tips its head to drink.


  1. Nice writing, Sherry! I agree that poetry is something that makes a person a better observer, to look at the details, to open one's eyes! Smiles!

  2. "Poetry tenderized me, taking me from euphoric / and optimistic to a deeper place that sees the beauty /through a prism of sorrow," - so well said and I identify with that completely....


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