
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Rainbow Bridge


They say the rainbow bridge
is where you are and that, one day,
when I cross over, you will
meet me there.

What a reunion that will be!
You used to stand upright
on your back legs
and try to hug me like a human
when I returned from being away.
Such joy!

There were times when it seemed
you were a human soul
in a wolf's body, the way
you looked at me, the way
you tried to talk, the way
you made me laugh.

Such a long time
you have been waiting
for me. I think of you there,
that celestial bridge,
all the doggy faces
waiting for their humans,
as you all waited so faithfully,
when you were alive,
for us to come home, 
open the door,
and come inside.

for Sumana's prompt at What's Going On? Bridges. The prompt posts Wednesday morning. We hope you join us.


  1. Such a touching poem, Sherry. I read it with tears in my eyes after my own very recent dog loss!

  2. This poem is so sweet and full of love, Sherry. Mine also have a similar theme.

  3. This love for wolf and the yearning comes out in all your poems about him... so full and tender.

  4. Love the title, image and all the images in your poem. In all, love has no bounds!!

  5. Your picture makes me smile. They say heaven is whatever you love!

  6. I’ve had quite a few pets go over the Rainbow Bridge, Sherry, and I love the thought that, like you, I will see them again. What a lovely tribute!

  7. Aww the memories WildWoman run like a pack of emotion throughout...

  8. Of course you chose Rainbow Bridge, and of course you hit it right in the heartstrings. We will see our boys again.

  9. Your love for your wolf dog is so strong. Across the rainbow bridge you will meet again.

  10. I am sure we will be reunited with our loved ones over the rainbow bridge thank you for highlighting that gift - Jae

  11. When you cross the rainbow Bridge...there will be a lot of joy !...Rall

  12. Sherry,
    I fully understand your poem and its link to the Rainbow Bridge. You have had such wonderful experiences and love from all your dogs. Losing them has left you with an abundance of rewarding memories.
    I'm certain that those dear friends will all be standing on hind legs, seeking an embrace 🐶🐶🐶

  13. Sherry, I have too many souls I miss so much, this is a lovely tribute.

  14. That will be a pretty sweet reunion.

  15. That will be a wonderful reunion Sherry.

  16. A wonderful poem!! I love it!! annell

  17. The rainbow bridge I've seen it in a dream. I believe you will be reunited with your wolf friend one day. Bless you my friend....


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