
Monday, January 29, 2024

It's Wednesday, and This Is What I Know


To be truly radical is to make
hope possible rather than despair
convincing. - Raymond Williams

Dropping bombs will never succeed
in de-escalation or peaceful resolution,
(how many deaths will they need
for what they call "victory" ?)
no matter how much the military industrial
complex spins its words.

Still, it is good to know,
all over the world people are
longing and working for peace.

Charting the acceleration of the climate crisis
year after year will not by itself lower emissions.
Denial may feel comfortable; but hard times
lie ahead and no one is immune.

I have to remember that
everywhere, activists are working hard
for Mother Earth.
We have the power and the means,
if we unite, to change the trajectory
on earth towards
social and environmental justice.

Capitalism is unsustainable,
its price too high to pay.
A few are obscenely rich, while all 
other beings struggle to survive.
The old system is collapsing.
A new one can be born.

Eventually, if we don't blow it up,
the land itself will teach us
how to live sustainably.
But, before that, everything
- everything -
will change.

When a large segment of the population
fanatically adheres to false information
and devotion to a deranged (alternate?) "reality" star,
democracy is at risk, and common sense,
critical thinking, ethics and integrity 
have left the building.

Surely, we won't go back down
that road again? I beg my American
neighbours: please vote well.

As the world turns, I have to wonder:
does humankind always have to learn
the hard way, even with all the information

If so, at least one day, 
I have to believe
we'll find a better way.

It's Wednesday, and this is what I know:
we need to show up 
for Mother Earth, and all her beings.
Sometimes even a poem
can be a voice for peace.
When we send compassion and light
out into the world, it transmits an energy
that might just reach someone
who really needs it.
The truth is, governments won't act
until we force them to.
We need to make our votes
and voices heard.

"They say money rules,"
my friend told me years ago,
with some chagrin,
"and it bothered me until I remembered
that  the spirit liberates."
He gave me a bumper sticker
with that phrase on it.
It rode my blue Toyota for years.
Live in hope, my friends.
It's Wednesday, and this
is what I know.

for my prompt at What's Going On? It's Wednesday and This Is What I Know. I like the quote up top - it is much harder to make hope possible rather than despair convincing in today's world. We can only try to keep moving towards a healthier and more peaceful earth. We have the knowledge and the power to make it happen. 


  1. False information--Fauci? Deranged leader--Schwarb? Is he actually leading anything?

    Trump's a mess, but be of good cheer--I'm pretty sure the reports of him you've been getting have been distorted by political bias.

  2. Bad Google! Sit! Stay! I'm not Anonymous, I'm Priscilla King, here and above.

  3. The political bias is on the right, in my view. And I hear what comes out of his mouth. But to each his own. I am just sad for the years ahead, the way things are going.

  4. You have mentioned many of today's current issues in your poem. There is a lot to think about - from the wars to climate change to the rise of disinformation and lack of integrity. There is definitely a lot 'to chew on' in this poem, in today's world.

  5. "We'll find a better way." What you know is as real as the current path of the nations of the world; the undertow is more obvious the more "they" work/legislate/decide against it. So let this poem be a billboard to spread the word. (If I could post a second poem, I, too, would show this side of what I know.) Bravo!

    1. This is Susan. Google has erased me again.

  6. I remind myself that there is Mystery and Wonder in the world - a bigger landscape than the one we see and, whatever stupidity is going on, there is a far greater intelligence at work in the universe.

  7. The poem says everything that has to be said to have a good, compassionate and fearless life. "Capitalism is unsustainable,
    its price too high to pay." These words are gold. Alas! When will the world understand this simple fact?

  8. "But, before that, everything
    - everything -
    will change.... " - as it must... your poem really works through the mess we've made for ourselves... it's good to hope and act and be optimistic, but as you say, will those who must act, do anything? The spirit liberates... that is the hope I hold, watching young people come out in such large numbers to make a better world for themselves.

  9. Canadians please don't vote for Poilievre.

  10. I agree with you that we can only try to keep moving towards a healthier and more peaceful earth, Sherry, and I admire the way you expanded on that in your poem. I also like your optimism in the lines:
    ‘Still, it is good to know,
    all over the world people are
    longing and working for peace.’
    I believe that those few who are obscenely rich are not able to enjoy the simple things in life, while the strugglers only have the simple things to savour.
    I also wonder why humankind always has to learn the hard way, even with all the information available.

  11. What more honest thing can anyone do but to tell what they know on any given day, and to do it fearlessly? That, my friend, is the essence of poetry.

  12. I like that quote too, Sherry, and all the ideas you express in your words ring true. Capitalism should be shown the door. I am hoping against hope that we vote wisely too.

  13. What you know is what everyone really knows if they're honest, but they're uncomfortable truths that make us all question the way we live. Great message, Sherry!

  14. Your poem says it all. What else is there to say? I can think of nothing. annell

  15. Sherry,
    I'm sure that you have heard that well used phrase/excuse, lessons learned!
    Unfortunately, there never seems to be a properly considered decision made within governments, in spite of all the information at their fingertips.
    It's a very scary world, with wars and rumours of wars...of course, I haven't mentioned the new beast; an influencer..
    Thank goodness for the expression of thoughts, here at this blog:}

  16. "Live in hope," yes, that's what I know. And I have nothing else to add.

  17. A wise poem. We do indeed need to show up. Suzanne - Wayfaring blog - Wordpress


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