
Friday, January 12, 2024

As If the World Depends On It


Out my window: my small world,
sky, clouds, forest, beauty. Inside
my small rooms: peacefulness,
gratitude, comfort.

I turn on the bigger world with the morning news:
bombs, hatred, division, suffering.
Suffering I can't change or ease.

I can't change the world, the poet laments,
so I practice opening my heart, walking
down the street heart first.

As if the world depends on it, she means.
Because it really does.

I can do that, too: hello, beautiful brown-eyed
friendly dog, nosing my pocket for a treat.
Hello, small brave white plant, who came
from nowhere, suddenly blooming in my yard
in winter. Hello, forest trail, home of the wild ones
whose presence I feel hiding in your depths:
Hello, wild ones.

Hello, world, that wants we humans to wake up
and stop all the pain. Who needs us to dream
a better dream: of green abundance for all,
of no bombs falling, of people being fed,
of no animals suffering. Hello, world.

I am only one small voice, singing the song
of my people: Give Peace a Chance.
Respect Mother Earth. 
Love one another.

Because the world depends on it.
And so do we.

Inspired by the poem "Because" by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer. The italicized lines are hers.

1 comment:

  1. You are indeed one small voice; but if all of the small voices sing, we have quite a 'chorus.'


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