
Friday, November 10, 2023

Look For the Helpers


"Look for the helpers," a wise grandmother
once said. "In every disaster and calamity,
there they are, calm and kind,
hands reaching out,
doing what they can. No thought
of race or difference, just one human
being there for another."

Sometimes nothing can be done, when
disaster is beyond the scope of human
reckoning. But even then, hands and hearts
reach out, to soothe, to comfort, to hear
a whispered plea for a hand to hold.
All quiet healing is welcome.

In these times, heart heavy,
I walk soft-footed
on the earth.
I speak more gently.
I pray to deer and rabbit,
horse and dog,
to teach we humans
how to heal:
each other,
and a world in pain.

Inspired by Joseph Fasano's poem "The Healers". The italicized lines are his.


  1. I really liked Joseph Fasano's poem. And the way you wrote to it. Thank goodness for the healers in times of war, in times of disasters, and in times of Covid. But yes sometimes it really seems as if nothing can be done. Good writing, Sherry!

  2. "Look for helpers" I believe there are helpers out there and they may not all be in human form. Sometimes, an animal will come at just the right moment to reassure us we can make it through this rocky road in life.


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