
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

B is for Bear


B is for Arctic Bear
whose landscape is melting,
too far to swim for food,
starving, wandering into villages,
or growing so thin that, when he
finally, mercifully dies, all that is left
is skin and bones.
B is for West Coast Bear, hungry
for lack of salmon, due to fish farms,
warming, polluted seas, and us.

B is for Bee - pollinator extraordinaire,
now in decline due to changing climate
which means crops may not be ready
at the right time for the bees
to do their work.

B is for bats and pangolins, who belong
in nature, but not in wet markets,
among 40,000 species kept
in horrible conditions teeming with disease,
markets closed during covid, then re-opened
as soon as possible after.

B is for Before money became the human God:
a flourishing earth, a population living
more closely with the land, a sweeter time
before Need got replaced with Greed.

B is for But: "leaders" who say
we must lower emissions BUT
we still need a thriving economy
and must build more pipelines.

B is for Belong: we, a species
who does not understand
that we are only one among
all the others whom we 
must Befriend before
we all are gone.

On the news last weekend,  150 bears have been put down in British Columbia this year - because of development encroaching deep into their territory to make room for more and more of us. This loss of habitat and food flushes them into areas where humans live, which is often all it takes for them to lose their lives. Too bad humans believe we are meant to be the dominant species. Everything went wrong from that skewed viewpoint.


  1. This is such a sad situation. Tragedy abounds.

  2. B is for Before money became the human God: - that's where it started and the fact that the earth 'Belongs' to only us... so right, Sherry. That news of the culling is devastating. Thanks so much for linking to the climate series.

  3. 'B is belong". I totally agree. It is so incredibly sad to think of the plight of bears and bees and all the other beings suffering because of our short sighted ways. Suzanne - Wayfaring (Wordpress blog)


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