
Saturday, September 2, 2023

What's Going On?


I turn on the news
and it's really bad,
so much suffering
it makes me sad

but hey hey
hope's the only answer

There's still so much beauty,
all I've got to say ~
so much to be grateful for
every day

so hey hey
I just keep believing

The grass is dry and yellow,
as the wildfires burn,
and what will we do
when it comes our turn?

praying hey hey
bless the beasts and the children

So I walk in the forest,
 I pray at the shore,
and Mother Earth's beauty
I could not love more

so hey hey
love's the only answer
~ for what's going on,
it takes us all to answer

for Susan's prompt at our new site:  What's Going On?  

I wrote to the beat of the prompt song. And I am trying to hold onto hope, even though humanity is heading in the wrong direction at breakneck speed. My poems (and optimism) have changed so much since 2016. But we can't give up. Gotta keep believing.

Protect What You Love


  1. Sherry, you managed to capture both good news and bad. There is so much of each these days. I really liked the way you wrote to the beat of the music!

  2. Bravo! I could even sing it. " So I walk in the forest, I pray at the shore, and Mother Earth's beauty I could not love more . . ." It's pockets of positivity like this that will make a difference in the long run, I do believe.

  3. A celebration of life's good things...there are a lot of them !.......Rall

  4. The beauty seems more difficult to see each day.

    1. Yes, it keeps me going, yet am only too aware of all the hurricanes, floods, wildfires and crazy politics going on...........

  5. Sherry, we've kind of written about the same thing. Though your hope is a lot stronger than mine at this point...

  6. Wow! Wow! I simply tapped three of my fingers on the laptop in a very Indian style and sang your words. So, so beautifully rhythmic. The hope definitely douses the evil fire.

  7. Such a sad song to such a jaunty rhythm. Love of the Earth seems to be all that's left to us now, I agree. Suzanne - "Wayfaring blog".

  8. This is indeed lyrical and I love the upbeat tone. Love is the answer, if only we would practice the art a bit more.

    Congrats on the new site.

  9. So I walk in the forest,
    I pray at the shore,
    and Mother Earth's beauty
    I could not love more

    Love this stanza Sherry! It creates a nearness to everything that affects us and they are all within reach. Thanks to you all for creating this additional website for all of us.


  10. Love the groovy beat of your poem, Sherry! I feel like singing it. Hold your ears. Such a joy being here. Need to put on my writing cap now.

  11. As long as we have poetry Sherry, we have hope. Never, never, never give up on humanity.

  12. Eric here. What a great song sherry! And the beauty of the earth keeps astounding!

  13. Sherry,
    You have captured the sound of despair that is being sung in unison by so many people who are ever so worried about the state of the world with environmental changes and the fast decline in weather offerings at all times of the year.
    I was terrified to sit and watch nightly updates about the wildfires in Canada and around so many other places.
    Hope is the only thing we can cling to, if there is to be any future to see..

  14. I wish I had your optimism, Sherry. Keep on singing, and sing for me too, please.

  15. Anonymous is me, Jane Dougherty.

  16. I like how you wrote to the beat of the prompt song, Sherry, and I was humming along in my head. I know what you mean about trying to hold onto hope.

  17. Oh Sherry .. How delightFULL it is to read you once again.. and to hear a hopeful note ringing in the dark forest

  18. This is incredibly poignant, Sherry! Yes, the world is suffering.. and there is chaos surrounding us from all corners .. but as you wisely state .. 'hope's the only answer,' .. here's holding on to it and praying everything falls in place ❤️❤️

    Great to have you all back! 🥰

  19. An honest and hopeful note to begin here with, continuing the song you have always been about. Best of luck for your new forum.

    1. Thank you so much, Brendan. You are so kind. I will still bring my desperation to your prompts! Smiles. Gotta put it somewhere!

  20. Oh, Sherry, what a wonderful poem, we all ask, what can be done? You have the answer.

  21. There will always be beauty, and some days that's all we need to instil hope. Love your poem :-)

  22. You've captured the dark and light of living in our present times. The last few days I've really been struggling to find light, but I know I will.

  23. I don't see my comment so I'll try again. You've captured so well what many of us face, living through dark times seeking light.


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