
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Because It Was Summer


Christine Lowther photo

The poems didnt get written
because it was summer,
and the beach beckoned,
the waves singing their siren song.

The poems didnt get written
because I sat out front in the sun,
sipping coffee, chatting with neighbours
and counting clouds,
because I spent a week at the farm,
communing with flowers
and horses and dogs.

The poems didnt get written
because my daughter was in crisis,
and I needed to be near the phone
till she got back on her feet;
...because my soul was weary
and it needed rest, to carry
the weight of the wildfires burning,
the floods and hurricanes happening
everywhere, the holding in my heart
of all that suffering, and I had to
stand on guard for Mother Earth.

Now it is autumn. The rains
are finally here, blessing the parched earth,
and winter is on its way.
The poems will get written now.

Day Two of Wild Writing with Laurie Wagner.


  1. Yes! Sometimes a reality break feeds more and better poems.

  2. Ah yes, summers are sometimes so busy that it is hard to find the time. Now, however, as the days grow shorter seems there is more time. Happy writing!

  3. This is what I love about winter. With the way this summer has gone, I'm ready for a change!


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