
Friday, May 12, 2023

This Burning Land


B.C. Wildlife photo

Pain is the necessary salt
our lives require, to rub off
our rough edges, soften and
open our hearts, join us
to the struggles and striving
of other beings, of the human
and beyond-human realm.

We emerge from its depths
deepened, transformed.
We look at the world
with new eyes,
every creature, tiny or ten feet tall,
going about the daily business
of living.

Mother Earth does what she can
to keep us all alive:
she weaves her web
of interconnection,
tries to tell us that
what happens to one happens
to us all.

We are not good at listening,
so we feel the result
of our own actions
in wildfire and flood,
on a heating planet
full of carbon-emitting machines.
We chop down all the trees
that once stored carbon,
and never understand
that we have written our own future
all across
this burning land.


  1. Hopefully humankind will transform, learn to look at the world with new eyes, and listen to Mother Nature. The wildfires are so very sad. What have we wrought with our ignorance?

  2. Ours is the burning hand so dismissive of its truth ... sorry about the early heat and fire. Not going to be a good summer for many creatures.


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